The massive prank was all the UofI kids who turned out for Ron Paul.
The massive prank was all the UofI kids who turned out for Ron Paul.
It's a cute little show and I find her exasperation funny. And it is really nice to have a show on TV about being a family in the barely middle class.
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Well, I'm the only one who has what it takes to make it to the end, so nyuh.
Manor House was really good. I also liked the pioneer-y one they did. The one woman could have been a Real Housewife, but was instead stuck inside this show where they explained in scrupulous detail about how the women of yore washed clothes. It was great.
Only three I don't know. *crawls inside hole*
Yeah, between Wolf Blitzer and that crotchety reporter guy, sheesh.
The LP in the US used to be pretty left-wing and focused on social issues. Cato, Reason, and the libertarian intelligentsia, too. Sometime in the mid-2000s, the tide really began to turn. Bob Barr won the 2008 LP nomination, Will Wilkinson and people of his ilk "voluntarily" left Cato, and the whole movement has…
My ideal would be Huntsman, but I'll put up with Romney. I fucking hate pretty much all of my options this year, though. At least I'm already living outside the US.
Judging from some of the comments upthread, it's like she committed the cardinal sin of being a not attractive enough women!
It's actually adorable that Santorum thinks he has a chance at being president. Cute little brown-noser, that one.
@avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus If Teti was done in by this season of Work of Art, I shudder to think what a full fall schedule would do to him.
Don't say those things about my Ohio State! This is our year, dammit! As last year was, and the year before that…
Sigh..this was going to happen sooner or later.
Hey, Big Ten is looking like a sweet basketball conference this year. I'm looking forward to March.
An excerpt from Todd's review:
Won't be a problem, as it's almost too small for me to see.
Really? Amanda Seyfried couldn't get anything decent to star in?
The runup to the caucuses has been a shitshow of a weak and camera-looney Republican field, but is the actual process really that difficult to understand?
Considering the movies my parents like, consider yourself lucky.