
I never got the Modern Family love. It's the kind of show I watch while cooking or doing laundry and then remember nothing of what actually happened.

There's…Real Housewives? God, when will my torment end?

Oh, man, The Thin Man is great….

Hard to tell that story when its players are still in the White House and Foggy Bottom.

According to the book, McCain's advisers were worried about turning off the base. They had a point, but polling in August 2008 had Obama and McCain almost even. Interesting to think of what might have happened.

The story in the book is pretty interesting. He was pigheaded about choosing Lieberman as VP, but everyone around him said no way. McCain basically said, "Well, fuck you very much," when he chose Palin.

Yeah, the Palin psychodrama is only the last 50 pages. 'Twas a fun book, though, if not exactly serious.

True fucking facts. Europeans tend towards insane racism.

Oh wow. Stay safe!

This is really what people thought of first? Ugh.

Havel or go home.

If Paul is your favorite Beatle, I fear for your immortal soul.

That's been this week's AVC leitmotif. Still doesn't make it wrong

My parents raised me right- I hate Italians, the French, and Paul McCartney.

Back in the day my college radio station would have five people DJing at once. Fucking hippies.

My co-worker said mine is AK-47. (AK are my initials.)

Schrodinger's bullet.

No snark. Love you guys, love the site, love the commenters. AV Club makes my life more fun. Merry Dawesmas to one and all!

"Whoa… you're a chick and you play D&D? Like, shit, man."

Oi! To the world and everybody wins.