
Prospero ano y felicidad!

I love me some Save-A-Lot pineapple soda.

It's also what colors maraschino cherries!

Hey, we did something similar at my boarding high school. We used to get the Sangria in glass bottles and pretend we were drinking real booze. Nerd swagger, yo.

NOOOO! Where am I going to get my European politics nerding on in such a funny way?

I adore Nicki, but Pink Friday has 2.5 good tracks. Too much singing!

Yay, Alexandra Stan! There are rumors she's doing Eurovision for Romania next year please God let them be true.

I see what you did there.

No argument there.

No, when a doctor asks him if he's still watching 2 Broke Girls, Todd says, "I can quit anytime I want!"

Except Love, Actually was unterrible.

It's also the finest restaurant in the Akron area.

Right now, he's cradling them and saying, "You know how Ryan Murphy gets me when he doesn't care about his characters. You know I didn't mean it, babies. Oh, and, Snuffles, we practiced. When the vet asks, YOU. FELL. DOWN. THE. STAIRS."

You must have made a wrong turn at a different website.

I wish I could watch it this year. Sigh.

Fuck that. I want a Todd commentary track on every episode.

Psshht. We all know bisexuals don't exist.

"At this point, I feel used. I feel like this show has been pandering to me, and now that this story has been told, it can be ignored again."

I had my purple Hammer pants. Hippest two-year old ever.

Hey, Hammer was the first rap I heard, mostly because I was -3 when Samurai Mike and the boyz laid it down.