
Well, that's true.

You're watching the Sharks play the Avalanche? *That's* why you're not into hockey.

Agreed. "Best Love Song" is so silly, it can't control itself.

No Canada? Way to forget your roots, asshole.

I know! I thought they were burying the lede.

Yeah, that's Just Russia. They were a Kremlin front then, but they challenged UR power in some regional governments and evolved into an independent party. And Yabloko campaigned heavily here in Moscow and seems to have been involved in one of the protests here. The recent elections here seem to be cracking a little

Just Russia's now a pretty independent party, if that's what you're referring to.

Holy shit. But, yeah, I work near the park in Moscow where the crazies drink. Seen a few dead bodies. Oh, Russia.

Never mind that half of his poems are, "I'm African, bitches!"

The one older Russian woman I once lived with told me a story about how she caught her friend's alcoholic husband drinking beer in the stairwell at 11 AM.

And Russian men are some of the fattest motherfuckers out there.

Yeah, and now everyone uses email.

I saw a Stalin impersonator working the crowd by Red Square a couple weeks ago. He wasn't hurting for tips.

"What, we're not racist. Central Asians are just parasites." - most Russians

так как страны провал

Well, she was incredibly disrespectful at the least to those who didn't share her sexual tastes. And while I do call myself a libertarian and I agree with some of her views, I'm disappointed that objectivists and libertarians aren't more vehemently pro-gay rights.

She wasn't down with the homos…

Rand's heroines are never naked unless they're raped or getting bitten.

Holy shit. Todd, you are a hero of our time.