
Yeah, it isn't that bad and mixes well.

Bow WOW! That Laurel Canyon sound.

Thanks for the response. But, hey, reviews like this are good for knowing what's good reality TV and what's not. Anyways, glad we can agree on Top Chef!

Can we make this the AVC bitch about the Russian elections thread? No? Okay.

Yay! Encouragement for more podcasts! Libby's fucking adorable when she's angry!

The song from the beginning always gets stuck in my head. In a joyful way. Thanks, Myles!

Hey, I like reality TV. And despite what some will say, there's a huge difference between the good and the bad.

Daddy's connections probably landed her some posh blogging/writing/fashion gig. This is what happened to a large number of my acquaintances after college.

Every week I think, "It can't possibly be as good as last week." But then it is.

I honestly don't care if people wait. There's a solid argument for it, I suppose, though I don't agree with. What makes sad is that these people probably have no education about sex or what makes them feel good. If this woman has an orgasm in the next five years, I'll eat my hat.

Hell, "I'm a Sunday school teacher," works for me as a pickup line.

I've left a trail of satisfied virgins behind me. To each, their own.

I only wish I could make out and unicycle simultaneously.

Yes! Eurovision! Yay!

Homebrewing beer = endless Dad bonding.

Being a woman doesn't give you any magical insight into ED.

Yeah, you have to have a few screws loose to develop an eating disorder, but many people who have had ED remember one thing that seemed to tip the scale. Mine was my mother saying I couldn't pull a bikini off.

I didn't see it until I was 16, but the Heatmeister song made me a fan for life.

Sports are the only reason to own a TV, really. Too bad they're so awesome.

Dance Yrself Clean is mine. Though I love Drunk Girls when I'm drunk.