
Santa Claus is Coming to Town is awesome. It has Fred fucking Astaire in it!

Hang Up and Listen made me laugh in the middle of the street. Fatsis singing the Grinnel fight song was fucking awesome.

Oh gosh, "Jesus Take the Wheel" is horrid.

Silent Night gives me chills when I hear it.

I love "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "Good King Wenceslas." Call me traditional.

Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien Russia. Not as developing as, say, Cambodia, but in the provinces you see how poor the country is.

Believe me, I know. My mom works in Cicero and got in trouble for speaking Spanish to her kids. She has to consult with me on some things because teachers there get zero ESL training.

Ugh, yeah. Corporate killed my soul. Teaching English is great, though I miss Chicago. There's a glut of jobs, too, so you can still get in the game!

Hardly! Well, I had a decentish corporate job I left to teach English in a developing country. Yeah, answering C when I wasn't sure was my last good life decision.

But could he get out of the tub to campaign?

It's the same situation as in Saudi. As long as petro dollars prop up the economy, most people won't care.

800 verbal, 780 math. Nyah-nyah.

Ukrainian, not Russian.

What an Ugly song.

You're one of those adorable moppits who never studied analogies for the SATs, right?

I read "Keeping an Elephant Alive with Alicia Keyes." Figured it was a reality show where celebrities become zookeepers.

I agree with you up until you imply the elections that Putin won were anything but a farce. Yeltsin handed Putin power in 2000, so he wasn't voted in. Since then, Putin and United Russia have raised the vote share required to get into Parliament, created faux opposition parties to split the non-ER vote, and worked to

I like anyone that speaks Russian even minimally.

It's a national disgrace we don't care about the Korean War. I know only the rough outlines and I care about military history!

EDIT: I hate Disqus.