
Geez, way to forget that bi people just don't exist.

I'm right of center, pro-gun rights, but I agree the lack of coverage of the eastern front is shameful. Yes, the USSR was unprepared for that kind of war and managed it poorly. If it weren't for the sheer number of bodies that got in the way, though, the Nazis could have easily taken Russia's European territory.

He, however, was the only person arguing that an attack on Normandy was more likely.

I like that eighth grade textbooks there are written by people who think, "Nah, no one's going to know I pulled this off the internet."

I'm an American expat in Moscow.

It is the best doc I've seen on WWII, so I'm delighted they show it a lot is all. I may, in fact, have been playing up the snark for dramatic effect.

There was a rumor in my high school that one of the students fucked a cat. Could be worse.

To the Russian man on the street over 35, the USSR was a much better deal than the 90s. A job, medical care, and school for their children is what most people want. The 90s saw runaway inflation, leadership both drunken and patronizing, and an IMF bailout. I have the deepest respect for Gorbachev and no love for the

Over here, Gorby's treated like the crazy uncle that everyone's waiting to die. It's sad, if understandable.

Don't you knock The World at War, O'Neal. That shit's fantastic.

I jokingly call Rommel my favorite Nazi. Seriously fascinating guy, though.

Did you see the Mikhail Gorbachev did for them? The most influential leader of the past 30 years and he's hawking ugly luggage…sigh.

Age of consent in Ohio is 16, so either way it's good.

Fair point, although I think he writes men better than women, even when he doesn't write them well. But the fact that he only cares about Kurt speaks volumes about his ability to empathize with anyone other than gay men.

The more I watch his shows, the more I think Ryan Murphy is the kind of gay man who never spends time with any women, much less queer ones.

Happy birthday Todd!

@Gjetostbuster Yeah, Lenny falls off the wagon and Benjamin Bratt cheats on his terminal wife. Such a good episode.

This is the same prison system that locked Lindsay up for shorter than I can nap.

Yeah, Russia completely shuts down the first two weeks of January because once you get to that point, if you don't have a drink and a day off, you'll kill yourself.

Claire is the best ADA by far.