
This. Local food completely contradicts economies of scale. And in the US, a healthy lacto-ovo diet is cheaper than one that includes meat.

I mostly don't understand his view that a veg diet is an insult, full stop. I know my diet is a luxury; if (when) I travel to a poor country, I'll adjust. But where I live now, vegetarianism is possible and I believe it's more ethical. Where's the insult?

I'm vegan- but I'm flexible about dairy and I never, ever expect people to go out of their way. I travel with snacks. But yeah, I try to keep quiet about it because the teasing and overhospitality sucks.

The Kurdistan episode is one of the best TV documentaries I've ever seen. I'm consistently impressed with the quality of the writing, directing, and editing on No Reservations. And Tony is the best guest judge on Top Chef, hands down.

I want a Frank Fisticuffs feature on the TVOTI podcast. I want to know if Todd's Frank voice is anything like the one in my head.

Whoa! Trolley flinging?

My habit of skimming to find the podcasts I actually listen to fails me again.

No PCHH this week? I liked the segment about music on TV. They gave Trey something interesting to talk about and didn't make fun of him!

Consumate "v"s!

Ugh. I'll just skip this one, then. I'll find it offensive, though for different reasons than everyone else on the internet.

Thanks for a great season, Mr. Teti. This season would have been mighty  depressing without you.

Ugh, yeah. As the American populace cares more about football, I care less. The hockey season's too long for me to start caring before January or so. At least here in grand old Europe I can watch soccer

The Political gabfest has gotten better. I love Plotz' cynicism. I frankly don't know why they keep Bazelon on the podcast except for her occasional (granted, very good) Supreme Court commentary. Her political knowledge is shaky and I will puncture my eardrums with a pencil before I listen to another segment on

It didn't really end the realpolitik approach to engaging the Soviet Union, though.

"Some Kind of 3D Movie."

How the Steel Was Tempered! The book that blinded Soviet soldiers to the fact that they would die in mass numbers in WWII.

Maybe…hard to say, though, since it was only available as samizdat until 1989.

Don't forget all those people calling Ron Paul "an intellectual."

Don't forget Beeth-thoven

Yup. I thought it was some confusing TV-film crossover thing.