
Alexander McQueen got his start as a tailor and it always showed in his work. Maybe it's not absolutely necessary to sew to be a great designer, but it sure as hell helps.

Anya probably does have a future in the business. The thing is, she should be winning a $100,000 to go to fashion school and learn to sew, not $100,000 to start her own line.

I think you're right; a lot of designers revert to their "original" style for the finale. Laura Bennett from that season basically presented a shit ton of cocktail dresses, if I remember correctly.

Nothing wrong with QVC. You can make serious dough on that.

Hie unto Kobol.

Starbuck IS gay and female. At least during my alone time.

Ugh, yeah. I was really into both movies at the same time. While Donnie Darko isn't as good a movie as I thought it was, for me and a lot of other teenagers, it was one of the movies that introduced us to more thoughtful and cerebral movies in general. And however much the plot doesn't hold up, the world in Donnie

Sliding Doors is really great. She came off as likable and vulnerable, which are the last two words I'd associate with her now.

I like Spanglish, too. I thought Sandler was pretty good in it, too. Leoni is meh. Her character wasn't well-written and then she just played it like a shrill harpy.

The rugby segment on Hang Up and Listen is great. The segments about less-covered sports are  one of the main reasons I like the show so much. Now, if they'll just cover cricket…

I agree. To put it mildly, The BS Report is wildly uneven, but there are a few gems in there.

Wasn't a huge fan of PCHH this week, a few of the regrettable TV nuggets aside. Honestly, it seems one of the main crew is constantly missing from one or all segments most weeks and it frustrates me.

Wha? Wha? Two straight girls kissing? *snore* Wake me up when something sexy happens.

I promised someone in last week's PR post a picture of the cheese dress from the Russian version, but MTV hasn't put up the picture. (The first thing that came up when I searched "Project Runway Russia Photo Cheese Dress" was a picture of Becky from this American season wearing a yellow dress.) Ugh. Anyways, our

In my clique, Daniel V. was known as the one man in the world you could be attracted to and still keep your sexual orientation. The gay ladies were still gay and the straight guys still straight, but no one could resist the allure of that puppydog face.

Agreed! Is the Loveline archive still up?

HUAL was great this week, baseball coverage aside. I especially liked the interview with Kelly Loeffler.

Poor guy. The cover of the Green Album made him one of my middle school crushes.

I'm watching the Russian Project Runway premiere now and it's as bad as this (American) season's ever been. Although someone is making a dress out of cheese and I want to see how that turns out.

For better or for worse, western European countries have extremely strict laws about hate speech. It's how Galliano got busted.