
Hey, now I know what to call Eva Braun! Thanks!

Thanks for reading Jezebel comments so I don't have to!

Christian has a pretty solid career in fashion right now. My guess is now that he's got a decent couture gig, he doesn't want the Bravoreality brand to soil him.

Oh man. I love me some Brian Williams, despite myself.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus I suppose it's not a specific oddity rather than the fact that the settler parties are the only minor political forces that have representation in the Knesset. Rather than form a grand coalition with Kadima or Labour, Likud always chooses to band together with Shas and

Different theologies take Noah differently. Some of it focuses on obedience, but a lot of process theologians view the Genesis narratives as a whole. In Genesis, there are two accounts of the Adam and Eve story, Noah, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Process theologians take this to mean that God is

Yeah, wow, that's really absurd and hardly helpful. Besides, majorities in Israel support a two-state solution around the 67 borders yadda yadda. It's the oddity of their political system that leaves Shas dictating settlement policy and possible paths to negotiation.

Oh man. I would love a homoerotic Gilgamesh movie. I vote Ewan McGregor for Enkidu.

Yup. A flood features prominently in Gilgamesh, which is widely considered to be the earliest recorded creation myth. Floods have been part of human life and storytelling for life immemorial.

Yep. Shem and Japheth turned their backs to their father when they were covering him up and Ham "looked upon his father's nakedness." Noah cursed Ham and blessed Shem. Ham's descendants (the Canaanites) are also referred to as cursed in the Old Testament.

I'm…excited for this.

Noah comes off as pretty obsessive in Genesis (wouldn't you be if you thought you had a special calling from God?) And he gets so drunk he passes out and his sons have to clothe his naked body.

That's part of it, but not the whole story. I think a lot of people in their 40's and up remember the Six Days War, the Entebbe raid, the Iranian revolution etc, etc. Basically, when Israel and US foreign policy in the Middle East did face down some existential threats. Honestly, even most of the non-religious people

That too. The depressing part is that he's hardly alone in this view.

He's reiterating the ol' right-wing trope that Obama (and Democrats in general) are soft on Israel and (apparently) none of them are fit to golf with the Israeli Prime Minister.

But I bet that bastard Elliot Smith is still making money off of that song. I demand he renounce this cretin!

The pop-up Brady Bunch Nick and Night had one year was pretty awesome. Then again, I'm proud of the fact that I know way more than I should about The Brady Bunch.

Too bad the House/Wilson chemistry is basically the only thing the writers can do okay anymore.

They tried to do that, but couldn't stick with it. Lest we forget.