
Spanglish was a little bit patronizing, but kind of enjoyable. At least, it felt they were doing something beyond AY AY AY PAPI!

I was impressed when I heard about the depth of reporting they were doing in North Korea. It takes some brass ones to do that.

Really, don't feed into the meme that righteous liberals can't take a joke. It doesn't suit you.

I can only hope CBS continues to push forward the dialogue on tolerance they've started on Two and a Half Men and Mike and Molly. If only they can do for Latinos what they've done for feminism and fat acceptance!

I defer. The self-loathing, sex-hating side of my family is Scottish/Northern Irish Calvinist, so I was projecting.

No, I'm not surprised and yes, she knew what she was doing. I still think it's a shit cultural edict.

I guess. I still am not comfortable with the "ethos" that sexualizes topless women and says, "eh" to topless men. Though, admittedly, in a Rhianna video, it is all about her tits.

Fucking Calvinists.

I think he just lurks. In any event, I really feel like knowing my dad's Gawker name would be too much boundary crossing.

When it was good, yes.

It's like "Law and Order: SVU RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES!!1" the series

Hey, I had friends who dated theatre chicks. Long-term exposure to that amount of crazy, even second-hand, is hazardous to your health.

Yeah, I don't know if Meester has all that much range, but she's fabulous as a soapy, catty bitch.

Governmental or not, it's still an employer. If you work at the post office, you still don't have a right to use threatening language or harass your co-workers.

I hardly went to Julliard, but theatre kids kinda scared the crap out of me in college. Creative writing majors, though, wow. WAY more bark than bite.

I've never seen it at Binny's, though I haven't been in one for awhile. And beer wasn't the sole reason for a spontaneous trip north of the border; we also wanted fireworks.

And the MARS CHEESE CASTLE. Not that I've ever driven there from Chicago to pick up New Glarus, or anything.

Those musical theatre girls can cut a bitch, though!

More proof that you needn't ever go north of Madison.

My dad actually watched the Charlie Sheen roast and seemed incredulous as to why I wouldn't be. I expected better, seeing as he fritters his life away at Gawker.