
I'd be okay with this show staying on the air indefinitely if it helped to keep Blake Lively cloistered away from movies and magazine covers.

Jesus Christ, it's always the woman's fault. I mean, COME ON.

I'm sure not all European airports are that great, but it's not hard to beat the soul suckery of the international terminals at O'Hare and JFK.

Korea, too. And Latin America.

Or London, Paris, and Moscow will start to look an awful lot like an ABC studio lot.

A sudsy drama about the intrigue of handling international cargo?

Seriously, have you ever flown internationally? Plane crews tend to speak 2-3 languages, all but their native language atrociously.

The music was terrible. I was seriously contemplating turning on the subtitles and muting it.

One of the producers on the show used to be a Pan Am stewardess in the 60's and she gave an interview to Wired: http://www.wired.com/underw…

Except American Dad is funny. That's the big difference between it and Family Guy.

Avatar in 3D was pretty, but I still left the theater feeling like a fool for wasting 3 hours of my life on a shitty movie.

Don't overestimate people. It will only end in pain.

Yes, but are you going to repost Alison Brie photos I've already seen on three other tumblrs? Because that's the only way to do it.

Anyone who believes that Orthodox Jews have sex through a sheet has never had sex with an Orthodox Jew.

If you don't enjoy it, orgasm only out of obligation, and call it "Ess-eee-exx," than it doesn't count.

If they really think that a flaccid, g-string-clad penis is sexy and titillating, well, shit, I can't make fun of them. They have better imaginations then I do.

I never listened to the Spoiler Specials, but reading Stevens' reviews was exhausting. I never noticed her missing any huge plot points, but IMO she never seemed to understand a lot of metaphorical or otherwise more challenging film making. It was also frustrating that she couldn't appreciate that what makes a good

Yeah, I agree with with Yankee Dear that Metcalfe has a perspective that is occasionally worth paying attention to, but I just can't stand the way he presents his arguments and belittles those who disagree with him anymore. And I think Dana Stevens is just about the worst movie critic I can think of. I used to listen

Sampling the inventory and the comments, I think we can all come to the conclusion that the mid-90s was a screwy and musically opaque time.

I really liked the H8R rants in this week's TVOTI! Definitely brought the cranky.