
I was hoping Barney would dump her because she is a TERRIBLE person. What kind of useless human being actually claims that not being a stripper anymore is some great sacrifice for love? I was furious that he wasted such an amazing proposal on her. I'm just glad that he apparently came to his senses.

I didn't really care about predictable or clever it was/wasn't - I was just happy they pullled the trigger on those crazy kids getting back together. I was worried it wouldn't happen. It was almost like they made it so obvious a twist was coming that i was afraid the twist would be that it actually WAS Quinn after

Yeah, I frenched her! I frenched her brains out!

What the….I don't get you people. This was easily the worst episode of the season (which has otherwise been pretty great).

Call me crazy, but I ONLY watch Community for the real cartoonish things. It's a really boring show without them.

I do, too.

I'd prefer if you didn't - I always click off as soon as the previews start. I don't understand why they advertise spoilers for a show I'm already watching. :-s

I don't think the consultant stuff is important, really. The point is, they go consult and it's mostly bullshit but they are very good at peddling that bullshit. I don't expect the specifics to be very realistic and I don't really care. The business side of things is kind of boring either way; it's just a set-up for

Hmmm…this is my first time actually reading one of the reviews. I've noticed the grades and didn't bother since I was enjoying the show but this week I was finally curious enough to click on the review and see what all the negativity was about. And, frankly, I think the review is a bit silly. You seem to be going into

Wait…what? I need to go watch the ending again. I had no idea there was any controversy about the ending. When I saw it, there was clearly no wobble and it was pretty obvious that he was in a dream.

It is pretty funny - "I'M SO HAPPY I CAN'T FEEL MY ARMS!!"

Pureguava - Tim Meadows had a good cameo as himself this season in Life and Times of Time. It's worth checking out.

Lots of people really like oaky Chardonnay - that's why they make it. I think it's awful. I

Has she always been a real bitch? I might be misremembering, but I thought in the first season that she started off fairly nice; she was a big slut but genuinely liked Lip and wanted something steady with him and he blew her off, which set her off on a path of self-destruction. Yeah, she went way overboard to get back

I thought it was a decent episode, but definitely a step down from the last couple weeks.

I thought this was easily the best episode of the sesaon - and I'm glad I was wrong about Rza's acting ability early in the season. He's definitely grown on me.

I'm not sure if everyone is just jumping on the negative bandwagon or what but I'm pretty shocked by the reactions here. I really enjoyed last night's episode and I thought the gimmick worked really well. There was no huge laughs, maybe, but the pacing was quick and it never felt boring. The only point I can agree

Umm…doesn't the very first episode have a cover of "You Can't Always Get What You Wan't"?

They made Shameless better. Ditto for the Office.

Last season I was looking forward to it less and less each week and this premiere felt very unsatisfying. I still enjoy it to a degree but it is missing the weird charm and emotion of the first 2 seasons. I think this show has pretty much run its course but I'll still probaly stick with it for this season. It's