
I know I'm late to the party here, but non-hockey fans love this show. My wife is Irish and hates watching hockey with me, but she is completely hooked on this show, along with a few other Irish friends (male and female) who don't watch hockey. It's just amazing well shot and edited with great characters.

There is - they cost more, though.

Ah, they should have stuck with it. I love those montages. The shield did an amazing job with montages too.

Also, I would have given this episode a solid A.

I don't see it happening. IF Franco was promoted, it would certainly be to a different house.

Good call on the music. Looking back at a lot of my favourite scenes, they were a montage or silent except for the movie.

Has there ever been a sane *person* on Rescue Me? I think that's a pretty ludicrous complaint. Besides, let's face it - this is a show that is primarily geared towards dudes and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Some people are reaching way too hard for shit to complain about.

Tons of straight people wear A&F. It's definitely not a "gay badge". They're not really any different than any of the other crappy clothes stores at the mall; a lot of really ugly, terrible clothes but if you look hard enough you can find something that you can actually wear.

Fat Bastard is horrendously unfunny.

To me, the Skylar character is mildly annoying but the actress playing her is *extremely* annoying! It brings down every scene with her in it, no matter what her character is doing or saying.

Wait…what?? People think this is actually a good episode?? I came here expecting this episode to get totally slammed. Weird…

I guess this is probably way too late for anyone to see it, but I think this review completely misses the mark. I don't recall how much I enjoyed this episode the first time, but I just rewatched it to catch up before the new season and thought it was great.

AJR - if you want to see an amazing performance of Wishlist, check out the Live at Madison Square Garden DVD. The whole concert is phenomenal, but that song is amazing.

Double Big Mac has 4 pattys albeit wimpy ones.

Am I in goddamned upside world? How in the Hell can anyone think the Whopper is better than the Big Mac?

Grant - does that actually sound like the point of the movie? They seem proud that they have found a way for the characters to explore this fantasy (which they apparently every dude has - he knows this for a fact.) and still have the characters learn from it and have a happy ending. Which I think is completely stupid

"If Outsourced isn't racist against Indians, it most definitely is racist against Americans. I know, because I live there. "

It's funny how many people on here claim that Outsourced is offensive and stereotypical. It seems like a knee-jerk reaction from people that have no idea what they're talking about. I live offshore where there are a number of actual Indians (as in, born and raised in India) and they all like the show. There might be a

The first episode this season had a sequence that was straight out of Darjeeling Limited — the camera panning sideways continuously and showing each character in their room. It was a very blatant homage.

I'm just pointing out reasons why people might be skeptical. It's hard to wrap your head around someone with so much to lose and so little to gain (compared to the average person). I don't know enough about the case to say whether there was conclusive evidence or not. I'm just saying that it's not crazy to be a little