
She apparently had a hard time dealing with Sutter's shit just like Ron Perlman. I don't blame her for wanting to just move on.

Number 2 is what pisses me off. Wendy is bio mother to Abel even though she gave up rights in season 1. She has no bio or legal claim to Thomas. We were told that Tara's wishes in her will were Margret Murphy getting the kids. So my post Sutter's shit show is Margret gets custody of Thomas and raises him somewhere

We don't know that or who stabbed the teddy bear to the wall saying no son is safe. People just assumed it was Mark's people but I don't think so.

He absolutely could have. Since Thomas is losing both parents maybe mention him getting things of his mother like letters she wrote for the boys. Instead it's oh I replace pussy so the kids can just replace their mother. Sutter is just such a prick.