
Mr. Pibb is a poor imitation of Dr. Pepper. Dude didn't even get his degree.

I really wanted it to be "paninus" — just I've always longed for the plural of "bus" to be "bi" — but alas, it's "panino".

You laugh, but my mom (an 87 year old liberal) likes the Daily Show, but told me she didn't like Colbert because "he's too conservative." She seemed a bit embarrassed when I pointed out that it was satire.

I read this as "I used to put my nuts in Danimals yogurt."

"Words appearing in the clouds?" Has no one heard of sky-writing? I thought the joke was that Homer went so far as to hire a pilot to write the words in the sky.

"And what a shootout. The quaint chivalry of it is fascinating—Frank
waits for Torrance to reload his gun, then lets him walk up several
paces so he has a “fair” shot. “That’s far enough, old man.” Torrance
responds, “I reckon it is, sonny.” And then shoots him! Did he win just
because he was a faster shot? Is that

but can you tell the difference between Whizzo butter and a dead crab?

The geographical center of North America is in Rugby, North Dakota. The US ≠ North America.

This from the Trinity kill scene:

I watched the Writer's Room episode with the Dexter writers, and then immediately had to watch the Breaking Bad episode to get the vile taste out of my mouth. What became clear to me was that the Dexter writers saw the most important part of Dexter's story as change in the opposite direction of Walter White's: instead

And why was experienced killer Saxon so poor with a pen? Dexter can hit him right in the carotid artery, but Saxon can only manage the shoulder?

Someone over on the Reddit hate thread suggested using "fell off the treadmill" instead of "jumping the shark".