Mayor of Hell

Nah. Thanksgiving surpassed it by a mile. One of the greatest episodes of any tv show I've seen.

Not me…I was always very grossed out about JCVDB shots. Not my type

Can we put down the word "mansplaining"??? It's never used right. And when it is used its in the most wrongheaded insufferable way possible. Please stop. Ugh.

Awesome. You can quit watching and commenting now

Phantom like a mother fucker!! Bong!!

Shazam gives a complete list pretty sure

The story of Sisyphus is a story of futility. In Greek myth, Sisyphus was a human king known for…. *stops reading, goes elsewhere on the internets* this guy and his fargo reviews sheesh

House of a thousand corpses or GTFO….haters

Still I'm waiting to see if my bid on eBay was enough to get "Today's Empires are Tomorrow's Ashes" on Soviet Red vinyl. It's going on the wall next to "Tubthumper" and "The Battle of Los Angles".

NOFX did the long form punk song/concept album 1st and better with "the decline" I love how rolling stone and other mainstream music press acted like American idiot was so groundbreaking for a punk album at the time….listen to the decline!

Hows that last part bad news?

He may not be the best actor but I must give him props for having the balls to sign on to be in this movie…Will2K turned it down

another Great Bert takedown of Don…Goes into the pantheon along his greatest takedown of Don: "Sacajawea carried a baby on her back all the way to the Pacific Ocean. And somewhere, that baby thinks he discovered America"

Shame Avclub gave up on him….his interview with Bill Maher was SOOOO much better than Marons

Ya'll are Crazy. Five Easy Pieces is a Masterpiece. Dull? It's a character study. Get some Patience. Nicholson's greatest acting performance. His character is so relatable, Like a Bukowski character without the working class background. Marvin Gardens is not superior but still great.

You broke rule number one….Do not steal from me

The thing that the Mortal Kombat soundtrack was good for was for playing Laser Tag. "MORTAL KOMABAT!!!" duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

C'est la vie say the old folks
So everyone at the AV is too cool to mention at least one Tarantino soundtrak. Everyone is outstanding with the perfect trifecta of Dog/Pulp/Jackie Brown followed by the more balanced kill bill and death proff soundtraks. Oh man can he pick some good tuneage…And another great