
If you're suggesting Oberyn Martell was not a pretty boy, you and my anvil will have words

If I remember right, Stoneheart is introduced way before she meets Brienne, hanging Freys in the woods. It'd be a pretty great cliffhanger, actually

"You suck my dick"
"No, YOU suck MY dick!"
"Where's the president!?"

Swinging between buildings in Shanghai is pretty clutch

After 30 seconds, I was listening to a different, less dull album

No, Sean. I'm really sorry.

They did not make an over-spiced wheat bear. They made a Belgian blonde. They are a Belgian (style) brewery. Sam Adams generally brews ass.

There can be only NONE

It makes you as valuable as one HBO subscriber for 1 1/3 months

Best sight gag this season, and my biggest laugh of the night

Adam Scott has the best straight man delivery in the business.

Yes, "Don't Look Back in Anger" is the only song anyone need remember fondly from this album. "Some Might Say" is even pretty lazy.

Goodspeed, godspeed…

Basically, Malkovich is playing a jewel thief.

Go Big or Go Home includes Leslie throwing Jerry's lovely painting into the pond he was painting, if I need to remind anyone.

Texas is THE DEFINITION of trying too hard. Also, dumb as shit.

This isn't Mark Cherry's house.

There are few movies packed with as much pure, distilled entertainment as the Rock. It feels like ten decent action movies edited into one 90-minute supercut, but with a more serviceable plot than actually doing that thing.

Alison Lohman in a movie. That is the purpose/plot of Matchstick Men. I wish more movies would follow suit.

David Simon was the chance collision of Goerge RR Martin and Lena Dunham. He has now separated into two distinct bodies, which both have been captured by the HBO system.