Yeats Infection

ode to a fuckup no one cares about
There once was an asshole named Lohan
Who was only good for a bonin'
Now she's into some art
That only inspires a fart
There's no way she even getting a decent fucking limerick

Who among us would have called
And maintained the balls
To have Ledger carry the joker?

Robuttnik gives a light feath'er n' tar,
As for him some po-e-try is sub par,
But Robuttnik's spare time
Is better spent on a find
For another hot tranny avatar

There once was a member Robuttnik,
Unfunny posts were his cardtrick,
I've puzzled on his brain,
Flaming's not my main game -
But how can he think we give a shit?

Fucking twitter is busy with provin'
The relevance of Reznor and Corgan
Cobain's pleased he ate shot
Nowell's glad he done got
Instead of listening to these assholes over again

Ode to obscurantism
There once was an opera which geeks among us
Want to see worse than manga cos-play coitus
So geeks, run and read!
Ackroyd's 'House of Doctor Dee'
To understand the reference 'homunculus'

Hark, another twittering asshole
Other than that douchbag - Scott Baio
This one's a hairless rat in a cage
Twatting out all of his rage
Cause the widow won't take more of his man-mayo

There once was a poet with luck,
He gets two poems in one talk,
Mongo misses a word,
Karma's a bitch you retard,
Nothing's worse than a joke that sucks

There once was a hoff named hassle,
Sent AV posters to a wrastle,
One posts a complaint,
Fucker threw cancerAIDS,
Bloody Kitt should have run over his massa'

There once was a grey waxin' 'bout cunt,
The more foul, the greater his spunk -
The trolls complained,
Still unashamed he remained,
The old man was in love with the funk