
The dividend really isn't that much for each individual resident. Could be anywhere between $1K-1.5K, with I think the highest being a little more than 2K at one point. Maybe a little more than $150/month. It's helpful sure, but I think sometimes people blow it a little bit out of proportion. As for Palin/Stevens… she

I see what you did there.

Have to agree with ya.  Excellent album.  I can see where the reviewer's coming from w/r/t their live performances, but goddamn, I'd say they did a fine job here.  Should definitely be higher than a B-.  But fuck grades anyway.

Someone might want to go ahead and do a little editing to this… there's some pretty blatant fuck-ups…

Anybody else having just a tiny bit of trouble believing Tara as this stone-cold, rage-filled manipulator?  I understand the character motivations and all that, but still, she seems like she's a little too (all that stuff) for how her character's been throughout the season…

A "D"? America begs to differ!!!

Not really a big fan of this one… feels like the leftovers from Wit's End.  Lyrically, he's good, as usual, but musically, most of the songs seemed to drag too long and sound tossed off…

No No No. Why? Maybe I haven't been listening to much Snoop lately, but when did he start doing the whole 808s thing with the ottertune? He didn't even rap. Time for Detox or bust.

I say. Fun to listen to in the club, blah blah blah. Not hating on the guy or his musical choices, but goddamnit, dude's sampling other people completely. I understand it takes some skill, a decent ear, and a little creativity to do so, but do we really have to pretend like this guy's groundbreakingly awesome?

Completely agree. It's kind of interesting because Simmons references all sorts of pop culture all the time, and some of the stuff he says always reminds me of some of the writing and opinions on this site. Siiiick!

is a cool list. That is all.

The only time I can remember hearing someone call someone else a fag at school is when my gay friend said, "Man, that guy walks like a fag."

Goddamn Yankees.

The operative word being "currently" producing. I feel like that's a bit of a cop out, especially when following that question with assertions of McCarthy being a "fucking literary monster," and that his best novels rank in the top 100 of all time.

Mr. Corleone-

Not to be a hater or anything, but does anyone else find McCarthy somewhat overrated in terms of his actual writing? Sure he spins a great yarn, but the overwhelming amount of love on here is kind of sickening.


Who cares?
I believe is what they meant to post as their link title.

I would say that a lot of the things he raps about aren't conspiracy theories and have some basis of truth to them, but then I'd have to do research and all that jazz.

Lil Wayne is not a genius, but he isn't stupid for packing a gun and smoking weed, especially since probably about 90% of the US population has at least one of those things in common with him. What's stupid is how popular this guy is for essentially doing nothing more than overloading the market with his