
Stone's pseudo-Shakespearean stylings have been going on for awhile…I recall Christopher Hitchens disliking Stone's biopic of Nixon because, quote, "He's trying to make Nixon a Shakespearean figure, when in reality he was just a ratbag."

I love and treasure Chuck Jones, but some of Freleng's work might be my favorite Looney Tunes. 'Slick Hare' in particular.

Actually, most of them work from bullet points. A recent E:60 on ESPN showed Xavier Woods making his WWE debut in front of a live crowd. Before the show, he was telling Jeremy Schaap what he would say to the crowd. Schaap asked, "Is that all scripted?" Woods tapped his temple and said, "It's all up here."

Joshua kind of offhandedly mentions 'Color Him Father', but that's a GREAT record. It gets a little cheesy ("My mother loves him and I can tell/By the way she looks at him when he holds my little sister Nell") but a sweet slice of late 60s soul.

I went to one of Mark Frost's book signings (for The Six Messiahs, IIRC). He read an excerpt then opened the floor for questions. A woman with heavy eye makeup and several piercings said, "I LOVED Twin Peaks…why did you stop doing it?"

Yeah, I always thought it was unfair that a lot of the articles I read at the time had the viewpoint that the Bangles were more of a "real " band than the Go-Gos, given the the Go-Gos wrote or co-wrote their material and the Bangles songs came from other writers/producers. Not slagging the Bangles, I just thought it

"Da Dos Equis?"

My younger sister initially thought it was "Mrs. Carey".

Thanks, Jean-Luc. I can't believe I missed that. The Smithsonian Channel doc on the band had extensive clips of an interview with Kirshner and never indicated that he had passed away.

And 'Sometime In the Morning', one of my all-time favorite Monkee songs.

I love this dose of proto country-rock:

"She" FTMFW.

This was MEANT to be your first exposure to MP, if you lived in the United States. Video formats differed in the US and UK, and nobody wanted to take on the expense of conversion. So a feature film was deemed to be a good compromise. ANFSCD was meant to be shown stateside as a taste of MP. The Pythons hated doing the

Marvin never recorded with Duane, and I don't recall him doing 'The Weight'.

That's not my interpretation, it's Lewis' opinion. He says regarding the role of Jerry Langford, "I didn't have to do anything, I just showed up."

Lewis sort of marvels (in the documentary 'Method To the Madness of Jerry Lewis') that 'King of Comedy' got him his best reviews, but was the film he put the least effort into. In other words, he was just being himself. Chew on that.


It was strange. I recognized Stacy from her appearance on 'Restaurant: Impossible' right away.She seemed like the front-runner to me. The judges kept harping on how artificial and cold she seemed. She did seem a little too rehearsed on camera, but she didn't come across that way in the vignettes and talking with the

Farewell, funbags.

I knew a woman was going to win this year.Men have won the last two years (Jeff "Sandwich King" Mauro and Justin "Hipster Doofus" Warner. Mauro's show flopped and when last seen, he was doing a reboot of Rachel Ray's "$40 a Day". Warner's series has yet to appear, he's done one special called "Rebel Eats", which was