
The AV Club: More pretentious drivel spawned from other people's actual art

Is the one in the banner picture for Carrie?

I thought this was a solid episode. I loved the reveal that the clones were intended to be barren. That made the episode. Because, in my mind, the genetic disorder some of the clones have is a direct result of the infertility mechanism (they develop polyps on their uteri, right?).

Something I really liked about the opening episode was how terrifying it made prison seem again. I disagree with the reviewer - I think the first episode had a lot more social commentary going on. The way the prisoners were being treated made my skin crawl (though I've always been uncomfortable with the criminal

"The difference is that 60 million is unforgiveable"

This is the season where this show finally gets good

Disappointing that Betty's story didn't go anywhere this season. I'd love to see a storyline that gives Betty something to do besides "parenting," which is hard to watch. I really thought the show had been building to something with Betty's earlier appearances thisseason but this week she acted like a brat.

Everyone in this episode acted like real assholes

This is among my very favorite episodes. The show doesn't always find the best ways to use Marge but they did here - an underappreciated masterpiece.

The kid who played AJ was pretty good by the time he was called upon to actually act in the final season. I actually find the kids on the Sopranos to be more naturalistic in their performances than Sally is.

I'm not sure if someone way on down mentioned this already but Drogo raped Dany in the books, repeatedly and to the point where she was contemplating suicide. Only the first time was it ostensibly "consensual" (which it really wasn't considering the imbalance of power).

That was Dawn, not Shirley, who flirted with Ginsberg and who Lou called nurse.

This was terrible and the only episode this season I've thought was actually bad (though the hot lava episode came close). It felt very much like a season 4 episode: vapid, self-consciously meta, with little insight into character and what makes each character funny. There were whole sections where the characters

I realized it right now

I did too. I had a simpsons book that listed the actual price that comes up on the register but my lunch table wouldn't listen to reason

He only has the one eye, Jeff. I can't exactly buy him a cat monocle, can I? It's pretentious.

I always assumed I had just missed the explanation for the Cocaine's origin. Never thought it would be a plot point

Adam was a douche bag this episode. As was Shoshanna. And Ray. People don't really seem to focus on the idea that, while, yes, Hannah and these other characters are selfish, self obsessed, petty, and immature, they are all acting this way to one another, making each other all the worse for it. This doesn't appear to