
That's the worst thing I've ever seen


I hope Sopranos gets a pass on the strip club setting. I think it was important for the atmosphere and themes of the series and clearly not meant to be titillating in any way.

Betty and Glenn's parking lot scene might be my favorite moment of the series. "I'm so sad." "Oh, adults don't know anything, Glen." So heartbreaking.

Yeah but real clone studies (i.e. Identical twins raised apart) show a stunning level of similarity between the (basically) genetically identical , especially as the subjects get older

It would be fitting for a season so focused on death

It makes sense that the person who came up with the best, most concise description of her character that I can imagine is the person who writes her

Doesn't Leslie want to be president?

The Lava episode was the closest this season's felt to the fourth season

I have never heard a better description of Britta's character than "One part radical/hipster one part charlie brown."

The dick Whitman/don draper trap isn't nearly as bad as Walter white/Heisenberg. I was so sick of that line of critical analysis especially during the last season when everyone on earth was talking about breaking bad.

"As played by Sarah Steele, Rebecca is another chance for the show to
point out that not everybody in Hannah’s generation is as self-absorbed
as she and her friends are. It works far better than some of the show’s
other attempts at this."

Creepy might be Rainn Wilson's best bet for career longevity

This is spot on. Sansa post-GOT is not in any way, shape, or form a naive romantic. Several characters lose all their nuance in the tv show. Sansa is the prime example but I'd argue that Dany gets shorted as well, though not nearly as badly.

Is Band Geeks the episode where the characters all play together in a big dome during a football game? Because if it is, I agree with you 100% - I don't think I've ever laughed at anything as hard I did when Spongebob started belting out a song with that ridiculously out of nowhere voice

But she is really really really beautiful. I mean I'm sure you're right, but seriously: she makes Megan look like a sack of crap. And I like Megan!

Your comment prompted me to look into the original identity of the Adversary… it would have been so much better! Its a shame the character wasnt in the public domain in britain

So, did Jessa's smiling at the end mean that, even after that terrible reunion, she felt glad that her friend was still alive? I'm not fully sure how to interpret that moment

I really didn't like this movie and usually I am not one to find myself disagreeing with critical consensus. I expected to love it, but didn't. Should I still watch Altman's other films. I've wanted to see MASH for a long time, but now I'm not so sure.