
Or an inlet…

I remember this show used to be funny, but whenever I've turned it on recently it's been terrible and not funny. Is this show bad now?

I actually assumed it was about plausible deniability initially

This is a great episode but its just set up for the amazing ventriloquist dummy episode

This is the worst feature the Avclub has. Except maybe "watch this"

There's a reason why cops aren't supposed to interrogate or investigate people that they are close to - people don't believe that someone they care about and think that they know well could commit heinous crimes and so it muddles the ability to think objectively. I think its understandable that Hank didn't see that

@avclub-64fe120bab3b15cb11273fe2fff412ea:disqus That is a hilarious connection

I love that the cops interrogating Jesse mocked the wild explanation "I won it in a card game," because that is exactly the wild explanation Skylar and Walt fed Hank and Marie.

I think more important than the money, is the actual car wash. If Walt confesses, the car wash will certainly be taken. If they "stay quiet," they have a chance of keeping it. Skylar said last season or the season before that the car wash could make it without the drug money.

I never read it but I love Warren Ellis so I will check it out

His run on the Authority wasn't bad considering he had to follow Warren Ellis. I never read Kick-Ass. Thus ends this vaguely relevant comment

Couldn't agree more. Last season made me look forward to this season. How foolish

I'm no fan of Walt's, but Gus did threaten to kill Walt's whole family IF he interfered with Gus taking Hank out. Walt could have chosen not to tip the DEA off about Hank, but he did it anyway, thinking he could then run away with his family and get new identities. It was one of the few decent decisions made by Walt

I think the transporter is a metaphor for decision. Each decision Walt makes kills the old Walt, leaving us with some new Walt. Just because there's a continuity of a body doesn't mean that Walt is the same man he was at the beginning of the series. Like Hank said, "I don't know who you are."

I had a difficult time hearing it as well but I'm fairly certain it's "Like you give a shit about family!"

Agreed! I always liked Skylar but her complicity really shone in this episode. Hank will be unmasking her too.

That is incorrect

Walt might actually derive satisfaction from having Hank find him out because he would feel validated as a huge drug player - his empire

All of season 7, most of season 8

First Act would be more appropriate