
I think Sylvia was pleased that Don ignored her like one is supposed to do at the end of an affair.

Huh? Peggy was not interested and totally rebuffed him

I think it would be better if it were the first shot of episode ten instead

This was a great episode. This whole season has been basically perfect. It's at least as good as season 1 and way better than season 2.

Yeah I did the same thing actually. I just can't imagine having the thrills of A Storm of Swords delivered to me for the first time in any way other than the way I experienced them. But Viserys getting a pot of gold upended over his head is something I'm glad I witnessed on the show without the knowledge of it coming

You should be more worried about ruining the books by watching the show


The people of Essos in the books constantly look down on Westeros as uncivilized and barbaric. It's just a matter of perspective as all the POV characters are Westerosi

Yeah, and Michael was trying to make a point against technology with the GPS thing, if I remember correctly. He was being dumb but not can't-function-as-a-human-being dumb, just not-thinking-about-consequences dumb which is his usual kind of dumb. 

Do people really find the fourth season to be a drop in quality for the show? The fourth season has some of my very favorite episodes

Homer didn't really devolve. I think he was at his worst in the first two or three seasons, mainly because he was more of the kind of terrible guy you'd meet in person. At this episode's point in the series, he was just a buffoon (and that's how i like him)

I don't think that Flashback Britta was anything like how the character used to be in season 1

@ccsilverman No. The idea is that flame from Dany's dragons could potentially ignite the caches of wildfire

@avclub-d301bce59916e4713089b7b3c335635a:disqus No, that's at the beginning of Dance with Dragons

Those wildfire caches might become important one day when a Khaleesi from Essos brings over her dragons

Why does this review make it sound like Jerry actually is awful and grating. He's not at all - which is the joke

I'm not entirely sure whether I hope you're wrong about this or hope your right about it

Totally agree

First great episode of the season, I loved it. The darkest timeline visit was dissapointing, and the whole thing did seem like a Hannibal advertisement (they mentioned historical hannibal, annie's hannibal mask, and the professor's whole M.O.) but it was funny, the characters were in category, the jokes landed, there

Jon Hamm with two hooks on 30 Rock beats this appearance but only by a little