A 26 years old nurse

What's a truck?

Oh, I get it now. The kids preparing for and having a party is a metaphor for chimpanzees playing flight simulators while being irradiated at the Air Force's secret research facility, and then escaping for the jungle. The jungle being a super-fun party.

Yes! They need to get Helena Bonham Carter, her husband, and lots of black and white stripes and top hats involved.

It's true. Sharing hurts bad art, and that's good. A little while ago, criticising terrible movies meant you paid to see them, and the makers of bad movies were encouraged to make more bad movies.

You should totally star in a TV movie with her in which you befriend a girl with a scar.

But he must be the real Pope! Phony Pope would never admit to being Phony Pope!

I gave you thumbs up, bro. That was so iconic, it should be on my desktop.

Yeah. I hate it when people use the template "I'm X years young, but my taste in Y is so good that I like Y that was made a few years before I was born."

I'm surprised it's taken us this long to give our children AOL screen names.

I like the way Snrub thinks.

You fool! You should have used your wish to become God, and then instead of attacking her, you know, have sex with her.

"But I can't remember anything in Nora's character, pre-werewolf. that you could have taken as a hint that she was ever likely to go off the deep end like this."

Yes! Maybe not from Constantine. I was thinking more like 1990s surfer-hair Keanu, only with an ugly face.

She's so unhelpful. You need a ball store, not a dick store.

Me, I could get into it if Jonah Hill wasn't in it. Wait, what are we talking about?

"I said, no more cupcakes. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been away a long time. They didn't go up there and tell you. I don't eat cupcakes anymore"

Fight Club 2. All bets are off this time. Maybe Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill are the same guy, maybe they're both James Franco. And you don't know which Pixies song will play as the credits roll. It could be "Dig for Fire" for all you know.

I guess you'd disagree with Justin Timberlake that four minutes is a lot for a cup of coffee.

The millions of Hulkamaniacs who would rather see the Red and Yellow run wild on the Oscars, brother.

To Bill Brasky!!!