A 26 years old nurse

"He's taking the bear."

Yeah. I wish he would. How else will we know who needs braces?

"Where's my bear? Where's my bear???"

With a dry cool wit like that, you could be an action hero.

I want to take a bath with Matthew Perry! I mean, that is to say… could I want MORE to…Can I take a bath with Matthew Perry?

Oh, a film. I see. That makes more sense. I thought maybe he came back.

Sometimes you have to spoil yourself, spoil yourself, spoil yourself, spoil yourself… Simpson, I order you to spoil that show!!

Jack Benny never needed to go blue to get a laugh. For shame!

I didn't know there was a BLUE Jay Leno. But here he is. I found him.

Mmm, Human Ham Rove…[drool, gurgling, inaudible].

"D'you exshpect me to talk?"

Think he'd prefer Spiderwebs?

She has to see the funny. But does she like to be called a pretty, pretty princess?

And how long will it take The Big Red Unlikely to be personified as an AV Club commenter.

Good to know how the internet meme who doesn't understand evolution is voting.

I "liked" your comment about not knowing why you "liked" that comment. I know why, but I don't want to share.

You had me at "sucks." Suck it, sports!

Wait, is Christopher Lambert good friends with Queen since they did the soundtrack for Highlander, and that's how he was able to score this gig for his nephew Adam?

Yeah, I spray it on baked potatoes. It's essentially a food product.