A 26 years old nurse

No, It's the Phalanges. Or the Ken Adams apple. Or the Vandelay…process.

In Australia it's called it Harry and the Chazzwazzers.

I once caught a guy rummaging through my pancreas. I told him to leave my endocrine system alone and ninja-kicked him in the thorax.

Not Homer Simpson?

Forget about who?

That idiot Tibor lost the key.

Yeah, like my dad Tom Bosley.

@ack ack With a dry, cool wit like that, you could be an action hero.

My mistake.

Wait, so when something bad happens you cheer for Mr. Burns? Or is this just like the reverse of Moleman, and it only sounds like you're saying Burns, but you're really just plain booing?

I feel I should point out that this is less Star Wars than Seraphim Falls. I mean to say that in that movie, Pierce Brosnan cut open and hid inside his horse.

Hello, Joe! Iron Helps us play! From now on the baby sleeps in the crib!

The ring came off my pudding can!

Dental plan?

"Belmont isn’t a recognizable name"

"Belmont isn’t a recognizable name"

Interesting that they got away with using Helen Mirren's likeness without paying her.

Great, now admit which yet-to-be-released movies are going to be shit.

Wow, is that clumsy, dancing ape standing in for Johnny Depp?

Give the man a hand! Also, we had to kill Bo Morton because he made a mistake, and now it's time to erase that mistake.