Randy Butternubs

That's a Wire cover and 'fag' is British slang for cigarette if that's what you mean by homophobic.

@roare Yeah, the joke itself is solid but the execution doesn't work. It makes no sense in the context of the show's world, Annie wouldn't do that, and the other characters wouldn't react that way. The joke is aimed straight at the audience and it breaks the illusion that these are supposed to be real people

The Ring girl thing was jarringly un-Community. It's the first thing of the season I'm certain wouldn't have been allowed if Harmon was still in charge.

This sounds like the worst thing that could happen to this show. It always felt like it had stakes, that the characters were genuinely damaged and needed each other, and the writers took that seriously. That's what hooked me, before they'd attempted any elaborate parodies, and let it go to some dark places most