
Lockhart will be the villain I think.   Just because I remember a quick shot in one of the trailers where he was looking shifty.  

True, except for the present day part.  I want to see Rex Banner shutting down liquor stores, and raiding speakeasies in a 2013 setting.

I'd be quite all right with a show about a present day Rex Banner ridding the streets of all the hooch.

I really liked this episode.   Sonya building Marco back up was just so damn sweet.

Hey, taking the syringe was the first smart thing Hannah has done.   She's a fugitive fleeing the country, she knows someone is on her tail, she SHOULD have something like that on her person.    It just seems weird because she's been such a bad fugitive up to this point. 

Can you imagine the huge crossover potential between Mom and Dads??  This is explosive.

I'd be willing to bet their traffic spikes the most at those post-U.S.-episode times you speak of.

Frye's getting sloppy!   He's leaving clues that he never would if sober.

Savings.   Jamie is sitting on a small fortune after a steady 100+ hours of work per week.

They also have DNA, prints, mugshots, of EVERYBODY, not just criminals.  I just think of Dexter as a sci-fi kind of look into the future of computer technology.    The weird thing is that apparently in the future, while the age-progression and spyware sectors are thriving, web design will regress into 1990s-style

I agree, I would flip those two grades for sure. 

Aubrey Plaza disagrees

I agree that the show has a lot to offer beyond the 'Beast' storyline, but those who think it's bad, or the weak point of the show,  I can't agree at all.

The Fed was acting quite drunk, so, I'd say that's why he slipped up.

Batista voiceover after hearing the transmission:  "Hmm, that's weird.  Deb must have another brother she never told us about"

It works for Dexter.  He commits all sorts of crimes in broad daylight wearing that pink shirt.  

The criteria that the matching algorithm checks:  has matching number of eyes, number of ears, number of mouths, number of noses (bonus points for  nostrils)

They both have a spotless record of never capturing any criminals.  The Following's police force may be worse in terms of squandered potential, in that they have a ton of employees at their disposal but only send Kevin Bacon and sometimes also his partner to active crime scenes, and things usually go horribly wrong

Regarding a)  from what I remember, she somehow got herself admitted to a hospital and then escaped  (off-screen of course)

I feel like the Hannah character could be a good one , if it wasn't, you know, written by Dexter writers.