
"You better think real hard about what you're doing, Frank"   Joe being confronted by Frank.  Another line that was straight out of the handbook.

I think it says more about Breaking Bad overwhelming everything in its gravitational pull.

Sonya's endless, futile search for answers in those drawings is going to haunt me now :(

In their defense, that Breaking Bad preview barely qualified as 'scenes'.

That was up there with Walt+Skyler+Jesse for worst television dinners EVER.

I was fully on Team Quinn this week.   Batista, why in the hell do you string Quinn along all this time and then deny him the position because of his remarkably checkered past?   Wouldn't that be, I don't know, more of a reason to not consider him in the first place?  This was an incredible waste of time for all

The plan doesn't hinge on Maria not drinking the water.  'Maria' could have been anybody.   The killer just decided to kill two birds with one stone.

Two words:  LaGuerta prequel.

God damn, do I love these Dexter comments.

We saw his being flirty with Sonja's co-worker.   His wife's reactions when she learned about his partnership with Sonja (and again when she met Sonja)  suggest this wasn't Marco's first transgression.

My #1 is The Vest too.  Meredith co-wrote it.

If they showed the same episode of Wipeout every week, would anybody notice?

She is indeed very hot, making it all the more impressive last season in the phone sex episode.   Such a thing normally have been quite OK with me, but JLD, as intended, managed to make it revolting!

Works for me.  I didn't pick up on it!

Ilyn Payne?   The head chopper.

Hannibal attacking the VP's chief of staff was totally uncalled for :(

a dark Satanic cult inspired by the works of.. Salman Rushdie!!!

If Ryan shoots Emma, then he doesn't know how to get to Joe + Claire.   So it makes sense that he didn't.  But, my god, is that like the fifth or sixth time now the cult has held Ryan captive?   It's like just another day for him at this point.

Paxton also directed The Greatest Game Ever Played.   Limited sample size, but he seems to be a damn good director.

+1 for the Frailty mention.  Very dark, very disturbing movie.  I think most Hannibal viewers would appreciate how good it is.