
When I 'marathon' an old season of TV, I watch one episode per night.  I tend to agree that for shows as thought-provoking as The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.  you're just cheating yourself burning through a whole season in one day.

Actually, general consensus is that it IS still top 3, refer to Metacritc's or Hitfix' critics polls at the end of this year.

Seriously.   Zodiac is one of his most impressive directorial achievements.  A movie about the hunt for a killer who was never found or even IDed.  Fincher made it extremely compelling.

sweetsadness - You have a legitimate claim to being worst commenter.

Oh yeah, Zodiac and Social Network, nobody likes those movies at all.  Well played.

Well, just the fact that Bacon's character even has to explain the various Poe connections to his colleagues.. I wince a little.  But, it's network TV, what can you do.

A ratings Improvement the week after a series premiere is a rare feat.   Fox execs will be swooning over this one.

Oh dear, everybody's piling on.   There's stuff I could turn my nose up at, but, whatever, this is a solid B so far for me.   I'm entertained watching the craziness unfold.  It is a struggle though, to get past the supposedly deep allusions to Poe which are about as subtle as Tommy Lee Jones' performance in Natural



Brilliant finale, easy A for me.

Brilliant finale, easy A for me.

I thought Duel was a good show.   I don't know why Mike Greenberg was chosen as host.  That guy has no charisma whatsoever.   But at least it was a honest game of skill that a viewer could play along with.

I thought Duel was a good show.   I don't know why Mike Greenberg was chosen as host.  That guy has no charisma whatsoever.   But at least it was a honest game of skill that a viewer could play along with.

Jay - The Emmys judge one whole season.    They do not judge two seasons at a time.   So, no, it is not like a movie falling apart halfway through at all.

Jay - The Emmys judge one whole season.    They do not judge two seasons at a time.   So, no, it is not like a movie falling apart halfway through at all.

I caught that in the preview too, but it can be explained as a bit of 'lasagna gut'

I caught that in the preview too, but it can be explained as a bit of 'lasagna gut'

Not really, since it was the episode after the VP died.  Well, depends when you're looking at the episode titles I guess.  If you're looking at them in September, then yeah, I guess it would be spoiling.

Not really, since it was the episode after the VP died.  Well, depends when you're looking at the episode titles I guess.  If you're looking at them in September, then yeah, I guess it would be spoiling.