
Isn't it pretty obvious that Whitney killed Scotty? She can kill 2 birds with 1 stone by framing her father for it too. She's completely expendable, hasn't been in any of the recent episodes, and all she ever does is either hate on Noah or obsess over Scotty.

I'm here! Man they most certainly screwed up the IGN comment section. Why did they do that? I like the reviews here more anyway, especially if you guys are here now too

I especially liked how the finale pointed to sites like this and their elitist way of thinking while giving us stupid "worst of" lists. Check the frontpage of the A.V. club right now: "THE 20 WORST FILMS OF 2014". Well played Sorkin, well played.

I walk away from The Newsroom with the knowledge that even though the finale, and the whole show for that matter, didn't have half as much Neal in it as your reviews and most of these comments had, I still enjoyed it twice as much.

Six episode watched? So you watched half the season and decided to give it a C+? What the hell is wrong with this site.

Why did you even go there if you weren't going to listen to the man or be sassy about anything he was going to say anyway?

Clare, you get what Libby didn't. Switch places please.

I made an account just so I could comment on this review. I generally don't like commenting on things, because I think it has no value. Everybody has an opinion and it's hard or near impossible to change people's minds on an online forum because emotions run high and reason often gets forgotten. But this time I just