The Kiwi Sings

Yeah, but he never really knew how to sell the sarcasm.

Twenty is way too small a number to adequately satisfy this topic. However, both of the songs mentioned should have been no-brainers.

"I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts" by X would fit on this list.

Honestly, I'm starting to think this show has transcended the usual grading scale. Maybe we should forego grades for a show of this quality altogether.

My Favorite Song
My favorite song of all time is "Thunder Road" and the Big Man is a big factor in the glory of that song. The first time I heard that saxophone outro I was, and still am, convinced that it was the single most majestic, triumphant, and life-affirming sound I had ever heard. And then on his solo on

It makes sense for Jim Gordon considering his schizophrenia and brutally murdering his mother.

Tears Tom, Tears.

Sally calling out "Daddy!" was perhaps the most pulse-pounding moment of the entire series.

"He doesn't giggle when I say the word tampon,"
How brilliant was Chris Pratt after that line was uttered? His face showed just how barely he was trying to hold any giggling after Anne said tampon.

The long and winding road.

A Day in the Life with a bullet.
Needs no explanation really, just give it a listen.

I think Roger nailed it on the head; "She's not Ann-Margret."
Ann-Margret was the only reason Patio latched on to the Bye Bye Birdie pitch, without her the ad was just some girl shrieking about diet soda.

Dude its the last episode of the season; how else are they going to uncover so much in such a small amount of time?

It is official
Breaking Bad is the greatest show on television right now. It was all so thoroughly heartbreaking.

Okay Archie, WHAT THE FUCK.

I couldn't believe it myself till I saw it.

My dick is so big you would be shocked to learn that I don't actually have a left leg.


….. YES?

Don't give up on your dreams Nathan!