The Kiwi Sings

Speaking of Meta
The Great AVclub Content Auto-recycler-o-matic on the bottom of the page links to an interview with Samuel L. Jackson.

I have to say that I am ashamed in all of you for refusing to recognize the awesomeness that was the Breaking Bad pilot.

I'm sorry but this looks fucking hilarious.

Thanks KB, I'll look into those records right away.

Yummsh I believe it was Billie Jean King.

"They'd really have to break down the Jazz one to something a bit more specific. That's like saying "Rock". Just way too general and broad. Maybe:

He kinda looks like Tom Waits in that pic.


Well lets be honest; Aaron Paul seems like the kind of guy you WANT to beat the crap out of just for no apparent reason. Its just his niche in society.

But Walt isn't some Mr. Wizard, he is a legitimate chemistry expert and as such all of the Chemistry "tricks" till now have been completely plausible within the reality of science. Your average AP Chemistry teacher can easily pull off all the tricks we have seen so far.

I wouldn't mind a new world order under Kenneth.

That was rude, apologize to Patch Adams.

The Invisible Man
I have to reread that; I haven't read it since Middle School. If I recall I enjoyed it but all its themes flew over my head.

My post was meant to be a farcical response to the title of the book and as such had nothing to do with the existence or nonexistence of a God.

True, but this is an UNHOLY monstrosity that I hope to create, therefore it doesn't abide to any conventional rules of fractions.

Clearly, God was a mathematician.

Just so you know, if my dream of creating a half-hyena/half-condor/half-tunicate monstrosity comes to fruition and suddenly starts terrorizing the streets of Auckland, its all thanks to you.

Thanks Prison Wine; now I don't have to waste time reading the book to find out why we make mistakes.

Agreed, The Iron Giant is an absolute masterpiece.