The Kiwi Sings

Hmm, I watched the dissection of the Giant Squid over at Melbourne and I specifically recall the speaker referring to the brain as "donut-shaped" (However my memory is a bit fuzzy and I may have to watch it again).
Also, they mentioned how the stomach somewhere beneath or "through" the brain, thus if the squid were to

Oddly enough, my father's uncle's brother had a pen pal who was a cabin boy on the H.M.S. Bismark. Apparently, this pal of the pen was the only member of the crew who knew how to swim; which is odd since he was only doing this to pay through medical school, while the rest of the crew chose being a strapping sailor as


I would Write a Haiku

"Did you know, if you sing happy Birthday on a TV show, you have to pay for it?"

Big Bang
George Washington, John Macdonald and an Australopithecine walk into a Theoretical Physics class at Harvard.