Pretentious Guy

Well, Bill Murray did say he was typecast for Moonrise Kingdom.

This certainly puts a new twist on the show as it turns into The Love Boat with Walt Jr. as Issac.

Wait, you mean the Iraq War didn't end with Cheney stuck doing paperwork as punishment?

Yeah, well, Matthews probably gave her those drugs after buying them from a man wearing a lab coat, flippers, and a single purple glove who couldn't stop giggling.

Quinn:  I hear voices in the air.  Someone's talking, but I can't see anybody!  Must be demons!  Call an exorcist!

Harrison:  best detective in the entire city of Miami.

He saw, like, half an episode of Sherlock once before going back to looking for scrambled porn.

His literary hero is Inspector Lestrade.

Yes, that was quite the tableau.

I think Showtime is the ice cream in this analogy?  I mean, I don't get Starz, so last I checked at least Starz runs mostly movies I've heard of.

"It smells like barbecued dog hair."

Maybe a flashback, show Russel practicing his chriopractic skills on Jeff Daniels?

From what I remember, Garcia auditioned for Sawyer.  They liked him enough they created Hurley just for him.  Dominick Monaghan also auditioned for Sawyer.  They liked him enough to make the Charlie character a younger man since Charlie was originally supposed to be an old, washed-up rocker, not a younger guy from a

I'm just waiting to find out Quinn, Batista, and Vince all knew about Dexter all along and figured he was doing the overcrowded legal system a favor.  This being why there's no Law and Order:  Miami.

Aren't "problem plays" reserved for plays that are basically comedies but have some problematic elements to them?  Like how "All's Well" has Helena following (big time tool, IMO) Bertram all over France and Italy with an elaborate plan and people assisting her for no discernible reason?  Scholars think of Cymbeline as

Full umbrage?  Now that's a rarity.  Usually folks I know just take offense, only get to umbrage when the cholera boils up to the proper levels of outrage.

This is true on the modern critics.  Cymbeline is an odd play.  For a tragedy, no one really dies that isn't a villain.  Since there are some deaths and pathos, it can't really be a comedy.  Shakespeare probably based it off old English legend-considered-historic like the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth (who wrote a

Aside from that one time he almost ran into him at the library.

Right, because you can only ever make a movie of something once.

Ten years from now, few will remember the Romney campaign.  Possibly also The Newsroom.