
I know it's a comedy and will have some zaniness, but the Bow subplot felt weird to me. Bow is a smart woman and typically way more rational than Dre; I can see Dre acting the way she did this episode, but it seemed like Bow had to be way more irrational than usual to make the story work.

Sara came back only an episode or 2 later. They didn't put her on a bus permanently.

"Julia, as a kid, got to that basement somehow."

I really enjoy how each Best of TV has a different format. Cool concept that reflects the different ways of discussing shows.

Don't put the blame on ABC. There are several other shows on ABC with gay characters that aren't stereotypes and are allowed to be romantic with each other. The blame belongs with the Modern Family producers.

Maybe it was because he was reading the actual thing instead of a Glee version of it, but Michael Shannon did the sorority girl rant a lot better than this year's new mean Cheerio.

Nicely written article. It feels like too many people look down on the CW because they cater to teenage girls with their incredibly attractive casts, but most of their shows are genre, rather good, and don't require as high ratings as shows on other channels that get canceled more often. Personally, I have no problem

While this episode started to put things on a better path than last season, it was still a bit of a mess itself in putting the pieces in place and undoing everything. And maybe it's my bad memory of last season, but why is Aiden so angry with Emily? And how can the Graysons and Nolan continue to live in giant homes in

I really enjoyed the pilot. Lizzy Caplan was fantastic and I'm glad she's got a regular TV role. I was a bit surprised when I learned this show had her in it, since I think of her as more of a comedic actress mostly due to Party Down, but she totally nailed it here. Sheen was good too, though reviews have suggested

Todd, I am in a similar boat as you with my feelings for Carrie. Claire Danes does a hell of an acting job, but I can't bring myself to sympathize for the character anymore. She's currently getting in trouble for having an affair with a terrorist and being unstable. I don't feel bad for her that Saul revealed that

According to Key on twitter, that was Peele's voice.

So Peter Serafinowicz showed up in person here and was pretty great in Parsk & Rec too. How has he never been a regular part of a comedy series, whether it be here or back in England?

I like how the show manages to bring back some of the better bits from the first 2 seasons, but doesn't just rest of their laurels and also introduces newer scenes. I'm not sure how I feel about Peele-in-drag not being named Meegan here, but the end of that sketch was great. The East/West Shuffle was one of the best