The man never had a BORT license plate in his life! (Presumably because the gift shop was always out of them.)
The man never had a BORT license plate in his life! (Presumably because the gift shop was always out of them.)
He was just poured into that uniform!
I did a quick scroll down to check if that was in there before I started reading the article and was very pleased to see that it was!
The A.V. Club
I can't take life anymore!
Also the closing shot of Zoidberg cuddling up to Fry and Leela is oddly sweet.
I thought that was a shadow spreading out under his body, rather than blood — look at the color and the way that it moves.
Gilles de Rais? He was if anything even more horrible than Ramsay.
In the DVD commentary they say that they decided to make Leela rather than Amy the DNA provider because they thought having Amy run out on her biological children would make her too unsympathetic…
Billy West's pronunciation of "man-mama" is also fantastic.
But the old man would not so, and slew his son,
And half the seed of Europe, one by one.
No, it's clearly Bungalow Bill.
Word "butt," gratuitous use of.
Yeah, and we're in Jaime's POV for the scene in the book, so while it seems like Cersei gets into it eventually or convinces herself she is, and probably wouldn't consider the whole thing a traumatic experience, it's also clear to the reader that Jaime doesn't give a shit whether she wants it or not, because he wasn't…
Yeah. I mean, treating one's wife the way Ramsay treats Sansa on the show would absolutely be considered wrong and sinful. There's just not a lot that the law (the secular law, I mean, I'm not a church historian and thus not sure if/how abuse is covered at all by canon law) could really do about it.
I dunno, I'm a teacher and I totally believe it. My Latin students were really disappointed that I didn't assign them the passage in Wheelock about the rape of Lucretia.
A woman of Sansa's status is definitely not going to get violently sexually assaulted without any consequences for the rapist.
Ooh, are we sharing "the thing that made me scared of nuclear war" stories? Mine was Hiroshima no pika, which my teacher read to the class when I was in first grade. Ironically, going to a hippie school means you get exposed to quite a bit of traumatizing material.
She actually says he reminds her of Enos before she starts putting the moves on him!
Born in '79, also had a 7800 and a bunch of old 2600 games that my parents had played in the '70s. My brother had a bunch of different consoles through the '90s — I can't remember what the whole timeline was, although he probably does. I know he had all the big ones (and a lot of the failed ones like Sega CD).
I've actually had mead and the idea of drinking an entire stein of it makes me sick to my stomach, seeing as how it's basically fermented honey. Ugh. (I mean, it's delicious, but the hangover is unspeakable.)