
Notes from a Newb

Notes from a Newb

@avclub-438f54f8c5a3a6f58ce5a69d37294fe9:disqus , yeah, DS9 did try hard, but even in later seasons they still couldn't avoid the Magical Reset Button (viz. Time's Orphan). I'm really, really, hoping to see that B5 gets beyond that.

@avclub-438f54f8c5a3a6f58ce5a69d37294fe9:disqus , yeah, DS9 did try hard, but even in later seasons they still couldn't avoid the Magical Reset Button (viz. Time's Orphan). I'm really, really, hoping to see that B5 gets beyond that.

Ima gonn stick my Notes from a Newb in here, 'cuz it's as good a place as any …

Ima gonn stick my Notes from a Newb in here, 'cuz it's as good a place as any …

@avclub-299b29bd1a150927a69e3e562b87d231:disqus , … nor did DS9 play in as many markets as VOY did. And that does have an effect on one's reaction to a franchise — just ask a random selection of people who their favourite James Bond is, and chances are it will be the first one they saw. (Unless it was George Lazenby.)

@avclub-299b29bd1a150927a69e3e562b87d231:disqus , … nor did DS9 play in as many markets as VOY did. And that does have an effect on one's reaction to a franchise — just ask a random selection of people who their favourite James Bond is, and chances are it will be the first one they saw. (Unless it was George Lazenby.)

*rouses briefly, raises glass"

*rouses briefly, raises glass"

Are we still having this discussion? Cool! Maybe we really can outstrip the Community board over the hiatus! (SPOILER: We can't.)

Okay, let me just try to add a couple of brief points here (said the man with the open bottle of Laphroaig 10-year-old in front of him; things don't look good …).

Jean-luc Prickhard, I'd like

Are we still having this discussion? Cool! Maybe we really can outstrip the Community board over the hiatus! (SPOILER: We can't.)

Okay, let me just try to add a couple of brief points here (said the man with the open bottle of Laphroaig 10-year-old in front of him; things don't look good …).

Jean-luc Prickhard, I'd like

I'm surprised no one else has brought this up, but the solar system actually does have a defined, roughly spherical boundary. It's called the heliopause, and the Voyager spacecraft (the real-world ones) are exploring it right now. (We live in cool times.) Presumably other star systems would have similar phenomena.

I'm surprised no one else has brought this up, but the solar system actually does have a defined, roughly spherical boundary. It's called the heliopause, and the Voyager spacecraft (the real-world ones) are exploring it right now. (We live in cool times.) Presumably other star systems would have similar phenomena.

Well, @avclub-a077052cd9374d45457f497f1c649578:disqus , as one of the few Voyager apologists on these boards (it's you and me against the world @avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus !), I have to say I agree with you. Voyager did squander its potential.

Well, @avclub-a077052cd9374d45457f497f1c649578:disqus , as one of the few Voyager apologists on these boards (it's you and me against the world @avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus !), I have to say I agree with you. Voyager did squander its potential.



I could add a few to @avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus 's list, such as the Before and After/Year of Hell mini-arc, as well as a few less successful efforts that at least tried to do something a little different (such as Non Sequitur).

I could add a few to @avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus 's list, such as the Before and After/Year of Hell mini-arc, as well as a few less successful efforts that at least tried to do something a little different (such as Non Sequitur).