
It's really best just not to think too hard about how Odo (or any changeling) "works". They can change their mass. They can morph their bodies into working commbadges or warp-capable ships. But somehow doing humanoid faces is really hard, and they can be knocked out by a blow to the head. Oh, and they have DNA.

It's really best just not to think too hard about how Odo (or any changeling) "works". They can change their mass. They can morph their bodies into working commbadges or warp-capable ships. But somehow doing humanoid faces is really hard, and they can be knocked out by a blow to the head. Oh, and they have DNA.

@avclub-948871c9b02dc17517ee3c9ee7dc3f09:disqus : "When did any other Trek series develop a secondary character this well?""

@avclub-948871c9b02dc17517ee3c9ee7dc3f09:disqus : "When did any other Trek series develop a secondary character this well?""

Well, at least that makes sense. The alien is a Thermian.

Well, at least that makes sense. The alien is a Thermian.

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus , years ago, when the interwebs were young and green, I read a pretty amusing article that argued that Ginger was lust; Mary Ann, envy; Mr. Howell, greed; Mrs. Howell, sloth; the Professor, pride; and the Skipper, rage and gluttony.

Interesting observation, @avclub-b894e4330aeaa46a373292d17c62984d:disqus , I didn't realize I'd come across that way. In fact, I kinda dug Mr. Spock jamming with the space hippies, and I liked the character development when the EMH got into opera.

Interesting observation, @avclub-b894e4330aeaa46a373292d17c62984d:disqus , I didn't realize I'd come across that way. In fact, I kinda dug Mr. Spock jamming with the space hippies, and I liked the character development when the EMH got into opera.

@avclub-9fda17cadd97a91b294831b496bcb3d0:disqus , I get that, and I don't want to deny any actor the chance to make a buck. Every week, they do something I can't do, and I appreciate that.

@avclub-9fda17cadd97a91b294831b496bcb3d0:disqus , I get that, and I don't want to deny any actor the chance to make a buck. Every week, they do something I can't do, and I appreciate that.

Whoops, bad timing! Didn't mean to diss Mr. Darren …

Whoops, bad timing! Didn't mean to diss Mr. Darren …



That was the moment I was sold on Garibaldi's character. Any Chuck Jones fan is all right in my books.

That was the moment I was sold on Garibaldi's character. Any Chuck Jones fan is all right in my books.

At first, I wasn't very impressed with Sinclair. Now that I've got a few episodes under my belt, though, I think I like the character just fine — it's O'Hare's portrayal of him that puts me off. (Mostly it's his voice; he seems to deliver every line in a declamatory style that makes me think of stereotyped authority

At first, I wasn't very impressed with Sinclair. Now that I've got a few episodes under my belt, though, I think I like the character just fine — it's O'Hare's portrayal of him that puts me off. (Mostly it's his voice; he seems to deliver every line in a declamatory style that makes me think of stereotyped authority

As a B5 newbie (I'm only 8 episodes in currently), I've already started playing this game. Compared to DS9 — something I'll try not to do often, I promise — I find it very refreshing that B5 seems content to focus each episode on just a few characters, rather than feeling obligated to shoehorn every regular into every