
As a B5 newbie (I'm only 8 episodes in currently), I've already started playing this game. Compared to DS9 — something I'll try not to do often, I promise — I find it very refreshing that B5 seems content to focus each episode on just a few characters, rather than feeling obligated to shoehorn every regular into every

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus , James Tiberius Kirk was not just "a Federation hero" — he was the 3rd greatest hero of all time (possibly multiple timelines)!

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus , James Tiberius Kirk was not just "a Federation hero" — he was the 3rd greatest hero of all time (possibly multiple timelines)!

Also, as someone more clever than me once pointed out, there may be no coincidence that the Star Trek future includes both (a) bad fashion, and (b) no gay men.

Also, as someone more clever than me once pointed out, there may be no coincidence that the Star Trek future includes both (a) bad fashion, and (b) no gay men.

As I have argued quite eloquently before, Enterprise didn't fuck up the Vulcans, DS9 did. (No, not in this episode, in the fucking holo-baseball episode.)

As I have argued quite eloquently before, Enterprise didn't fuck up the Vulcans, DS9 did. (No, not in this episode, in the fucking holo-baseball episode.)

Hmph. Dr. Selar, or GTFO.

Hmph. Dr. Selar, or GTFO.

Well, Firefly was pretty much the anti-Trek: no interstellar travel, no aliens, evil Alliance instead of benign Federation, lots of scarcity, …

Well, Firefly was pretty much the anti-Trek: no interstellar travel, no aliens, evil Alliance instead of benign Federation, lots of scarcity, …

Now I really want to see Brian Blessed play a Klingon …

Now I really want to see Brian Blessed play a Klingon …

Just googled that site. Wow. That may well be, in equal measures, the coolest and nerdiest thing I've seen this week. Kudos to Atoz!

Just googled that site. Wow. That may well be, in equal measures, the coolest and nerdiest thing I've seen this week. Kudos to Atoz!

@avclub-2b4398f8c60d5dd9b8e3c786a3745192:disqus , you don't have to watch all of TOS, just the (believe it or not) 6 episodes Klingons appeared in.

@avclub-2b4398f8c60d5dd9b8e3c786a3745192:disqus , you don't have to watch all of TOS, just the (believe it or not) 6 episodes Klingons appeared in.

@avclub-18d84eb30b59b5f3cc748bfe9f68b472:disqus , I agree that it's not really a big deal. The characters we see on DS9 are about a hundred years older than the ones we met on TOS — it's not surprising that thir personalities aren't exactly the same.

@avclub-18d84eb30b59b5f3cc748bfe9f68b472:disqus , I agree that it's not really a big deal. The characters we see on DS9 are about a hundred years older than the ones we met on TOS — it's not surprising that thir personalities aren't exactly the same.

Just wanna say, thanks for the feedback. I was a little unsure at first, but you guys have convinced me to spend the next couple of years (!) obsessing over this series (if only one day a week). I'll also chime in with my newbie thoughts whenever I can think of something clever to say, and I hope others will as well.