
Just wanna say, thanks for the feedback. I was a little unsure at first, but you guys have convinced me to spend the next couple of years (!) obsessing over this series (if only one day a week). I'll also chime in with my newbie thoughts whenever I can think of something clever to say, and I hope others will as well.

@avclub-fd172dda9796767557675385e915cab4:disqus , I didn't hate "Midnight" — but it didn't hook me, either. I really dug the deep backstory, and saw some excellent potential. I like the character of Garibaldi, and get the feeling I'm going to end up liking Ivanova, and I'm intrigued by the dynamic between G'Kar and

@avclub-fd172dda9796767557675385e915cab4:disqus , I didn't hate "Midnight" — but it didn't hook me, either. I really dug the deep backstory, and saw some excellent potential. I like the character of Garibaldi, and get the feeling I'm going to end up liking Ivanova, and I'm intrigued by the dynamic between G'Kar and

Well, @avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus , I qualify as a B5 newbie — in fact, up until yesterday (when I marathon-watched the first 4 eps of season 1) I was basically a B5 virgin; I couldn't have named a main character or alien race or even stated the premise of the show beyond "kind of like DS9, but

Well, @avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus , I qualify as a B5 newbie — in fact, up until yesterday (when I marathon-watched the first 4 eps of season 1) I was basically a B5 virgin; I couldn't have named a main character or alien race or even stated the premise of the show beyond "kind of like DS9, but

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus , I thought the approved term was "metarducken" …

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus , I thought the approved term was "metarducken" …

Okay, totally off-topic for this week's eps but I think it's worth a follow-up …

Okay, totally off-topic for this week's eps but I think it's worth a follow-up …

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus , if I remember correctly Voyager actually had higher ratings than DS9 for most of it's run. (If someone with hard data can contradict me, please do.)

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus , if I remember correctly Voyager actually had higher ratings than DS9 for most of it's run. (If someone with hard data can contradict me, please do.)

Hey guys, I didn't mean to say that it was wrong to like the ep; I said it was a bad ep. Let me rant a bit:

Hey guys, I didn't mean to say that it was wrong to like the ep; I said it was a bad ep. Let me rant a bit:

@jerodast:disqus , it was the fucking baseball-in-the-holosuite episode. No, it wasn't a good one. In fact, I'd say it's much worse than anything on Voyager (including Threshold), worse than anything on Enterprise (A Night in Sickbay comes close, though), and even worse than TNG's Shades of Gray (which at least had an

@jerodast:disqus , it was the fucking baseball-in-the-holosuite episode. No, it wasn't a good one. In fact, I'd say it's much worse than anything on Voyager (including Threshold), worse than anything on Enterprise (A Night in Sickbay comes close, though), and even worse than TNG's Shades of Gray (which at least had an

At least Voyager and Enterprise didn't stoop to recycling a script Ira Stephen Behr had written for … Fame

At least Voyager and Enterprise didn't stoop to recycling a script Ira Stephen Behr had written for … Fame

I agree completely with your analysis of the orb — it's basically Q-in-a-box. But what's worse is, it can be replicated with Federation technology! So, on this "series with consequences" and no reset button, what do Sisko and Dax do? Phaser them all away! Don't you think just maybe this might be kind of useful tech to

My favourite Jule Andrews / Muppets moment came from (I'm pretty sure) one of her TV specials in the '70's:

I'd add Jaws and M*A*S*H to that list as well.