
@thecolonelmc:disqus (Just in case anyone is still reading this …) That is at least a valid criticism. I don't happen to agree with you, but if you felt it was self-indulgent, that's fine, I get it. But @avclub-ffc486b563126f258ae6dbb0d3e3d827:disqus was apparently objecting to the article simply because of its

Jesus fuck a two-page article is "too long"? Forget your ritalin this morning or something?

Oh, c'mon. An episode where Porthos has to take command of the ship would have been … well, a hell of a thing, anyway.

@avclub-5ba47c07b9b6a8f2718d94fa3f48fe9f:disqus : I don't think Balok "fell for" Kirk's corbomite maneuver. By the end of the episode I figured that he was just knockin' back the tranya and messin' with the Enterprise for fun. When Kirk starts to pull the whole "death has no meaning for us" routine he just recognizes

Yeah, I was pretty impressed by the re-mastered eps. They mostly left the live-action stuff alone (though they made the Gorn blink, which was cool!) and concentrated on cleaning up effects and model-work. Kudos to the Okudas! (I can't believe I just typed that …)

@avclub-e247f5b17c985100cb4f3678cffb30cc:disqus : There are those who believe — oh, sorry, wrong series.

Possibly the greatest Star Trek move ever never made …

I think you'll find, if you keep an open mind (and open bottle of booze), that Voyager is, despite some genuinely dire moments, not nearly as bad as (some) commenters here would have you believe. Sort of like how DS9 is, despite some really terrific moments, not nearly as amazingly stupendously great as (some)

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus , we're Trekkies. It's our *job* to do the writer/director's work for them. (See "Galaxy Quest".)

"The family is still loaded", @avclub-86a9ac7667ec45a86614223897b4f765:disqus ? Pretty impressive on sex-in-a-canoe beer …

No, the worst thing in the otherwise rousing Machete was Jessica Alba's dead-eyed monotone performance. Even her CGI-enhanced "nude" scene was boring. Heck, Lindsay fucking Lohan managed to outshine Alba; at least Lohan looked like she was in on the joke.

Oh, all right. Even if it won't let me use an in my name …