Sad Dutchman

Here in the Netherlands we have a show that's literally called 'Powned' where what's seriously been described as the most feared 'journalist' in the country asks the prime minister if he's fucked someone recently, sexualizes female politicians, asking them if he can see their tits, etc. It's led to the resignation of

I'd go

I had never heard of Taye Diggs before this episode but that man just saying "Brazil" turned me gay and giggling.

So what are your thoughts on the five best entries?

Yeah. I like the idea, but it's been a little off so far. Some ideas:

It's not that it looks cheap. It just looks kinda shit. The lighting is extremely flat and just plain weird. Cheap can be really pretty, tons of movies and series have shown that. This looks like a soap, and if they didn't want to be called out on shooting with two yellow lamps, maybe don't remake a series renowned

Studios can opt in to the Title Registration Bureau. If they don't, they can use any non-trademarked title they like, but all other studio's can rip off their titles. If they do, they have to follow the rules of the bureau, which are dumb and stupid, but you can also fuck other studio's, by using this bureau, which is

I'm pretty sure everyone by now agrees that the first couple episodes are the weakest, but I kind of doubt if that's really the case. Old AD episodes were funny in their first ten minutes, but the real genius always came in their third act, when every arc came together in a really exciting unexpected way. The same

I'm at episode 8 and am really enjoying myself, but there's a bit of a Community S04-thing going on. Maybe it's nostalgia, but in the original seasons I was really rooting for (some of the) the Bluths. Compare The B. Team with the episode where rollergirl was George Michael's teacher. That one was really funny but

Ouwehoeren = Oude (old) hoeren (whores)
Fokkens doesn't really have a meaning, but is probably derived from 'fokkers' which means 'breeders' (as in horse-breeder). There's a million anecdotes from the fifties and sixties about old Dutch farmers introducing themselves to English people as 'pig fokkers' and 'horse

Ouwehoeren = Oude (old) hoeren (whores)
Fokkens doesn't really have a meaning, but is probably derived from 'fokkers' which means 'breeders' (as in horse-breeder). There's a million anecdotes from the fifties and sixties about old Dutch farmers introducing themselves to English people as 'pig fokkers' and 'horse

Again with the jabs at Emily. Do you enjoy feling llike the Queen Bitch over here AndyBeaux? Good for you. Let me tear open your balls and suck the juice out through a straw.

That's because, while she's indeed insane, Bachmann is actually a hard worker and committed. Palin just cares about herself.

Pfeh, posers.
We've had this in The Netherlands for a couple of years now. There's two versions. The 'Pathe pass' (20 euros/month) gives all-you-can-see in Pathe cinemas which mostly show blockbusters and larger arthouse films and the 'Cineville pass' (17,50 euros/month) which gives all-you-can-see in Amsterdam's