
Haha, your brain is hilarious

I really enjoyed this film, but I disagree with AA Dowd that only a hopeless prude would find the central sex scene pornographic. I hate when critics flat out insult potential audience members like that, it's completely uncalled for. Overall, I was "fine" with how things played out but I would be lying if I said the

she could just have an extremely dry sense of humor. that's how she always came across to me, with her jokes. but perhaps she's really a caustic bitch. i think caustic is the right word…

ooh, horror stories. sounds juicy. spill the beans!

I was paid $50 to downvote this comment. Done.

I like to watch quirky comedy like Brooklyn Nine-Nine while sipping very expensive wine and wearing a tuxedo. And a monocle. Though, thanks to the monocle, the image is only half-clear for me. So I can't really give you a completely detailed account of what actually happens on the show, but from what I can see on the

So yeah, three excellent episodes in a row, in my opinion. It just keeps getting better and Terry Crews was hilarious as usual. I had my mother-in-law over when I was watching the show, who knew nothing about it, and even she laughed a bunch of times. I really feel like this is much less of a niche show than Parks and

Hey, I liked the first two.

I hope OJ Simpson donates his brain to science when he dies. What if all the crazy shit he's done (or "didn't do") could be linked to his days playing football? 

oh i didn't think they were good jokes, but i'm just defending their right to exist on the show. more dead guy jokes, i say! better ones, though

Also to comment on the review:  "The jokes aren’t offensive, yet they are still jokes about a dead guy, no matter how fictional."

Was there any Chelsea Peretti… at all? I don't think there was. Weird.

Yeah I'd give this about the same grade as the last episode, like an A-. It started out a little flat, but picked up quickly once we got to the crime scene. I also loved all the flashbacks to Holt, with no one being able to get a read off him. And Terry surprises me with every episode. He's such a great doodler!

Man I loved these guys when I was in junior high. I owned Cheshire Cat, Dude Ranch, Enema, and Jacket. My Blink 182 CDs laid right next to my one Bloodhound Gang CD that had the "discovery channel" song on it. Man I was awesome back then…

You might be right. Though it looks like Norm MacDonald came up with the same conclusion. So that's something.

Well, then perhaps it's not for you. *snatches show away*

I was trying to think of other French cop films, but all I got is Melville's "Un flic"

I think it helps that Michael Shur co-created this. This is the second show he created and seems he learned from the uneven first season of Parks and Rec. If you include his contributions to The Office, the dude's 3 for 3 so far. It should also be telling that the last episode Shur wrote for The Office was season 4.

I'm more a "two laughs for the price of one" type

I hate to bring up The Office again, but it feels like the Charles-Michael Scott dynamic from season 5, but they're nailing it much better this time around. Charles was too much of a straight man when he came around and, while it lead to my favorite non-Jim/Pam arc in the show, they never tried making Charles more