
Although I love Wever's work on Nurse Jackie, she was wasted here.  The writing for the sisters was so sub-par, I agree with mfeige that I thought I was watching another show.  Annoying and so contrived. Cmon, writers, we look to you to raise the bar for network tv.

Loves me some Floyd.

I hated this episode. The fakey both-talking-at-once-supposed-to-be-zany/adorable by Sarah and Kristina…the who in hell cares anymore about Zoey and the baby..the prospect of more Jasmine..the reaching for a plot line with the sale of the studio…and the most unsexy pairing of Jason Ritter and his "mother". I used to

Edith shouldn't pursue the one-armed man.  He clearly preferred Mary from the get-go and she deserves more than seconds.  The bit about the bounder and the maid was boring and took time away from the stories we care about.  Daisy will open a restaurant, Edith will find the cowboy, and Bates will be defended by

This show is so watchable because it becomes apparent how capable or incapable celebs are when asked to do a task without an entourage of assistants.  I like the charity aspect.  All the same, it is so smarmy when Trump tries to drum up the drama and when his son tries to be like Dad.  Their ganging up on Miss

Let's see.  Moronic producers come up with idiotic challenges that have nothing to do with culinary skills.  Choose guest judges whose only relevance to cooking is that they are good-looking.  Oh, wait.  No relevance to cooking but they were better looking than the other medalists.  Did the Canadian guy just happen to

They have really upped the quality of the writing here without sacrificing the character development.  The cast is settling into the groove of a great ensemble, their timing and playing off of each other never disappoints.

Mr. Teti, I will miss your recaps.  Loved your comment on Tenley's understanding of the word "but".  I agree, the show feels like a sad wannabe, kind of like when the show moved to Lifetime.  As for the goodbye to Elisa….well, for all the places her mouth has been, I wouldn't want that anywhere near me as well.

I thought Young's exhibit was a hot mess.  It is apparent that he is an indulged only child who has had the good fortune of finding a partner who will further indulge him.  If he had stayed with his travel channel odyssey, it would have been a truer reflection of his kitchy, gimmicky vision.  Kymia deserved the win.

Tried to imagine if her behavior would be as hateful if she were a man.  Yes, yes and yes.  But why does Ty-lor, who is far from an asshole, consider her a close friend.  I wonder if she lets him talk occasionally.

Kevin McKidd is just the somber, built ginger you're looking for…but he's on Grey's Anatomy.  Sorry.

Leslie:  "Denmark, Botswanaland and the Moon".  Andy:  "The Big Three"

Does it seem to anyone else that most of the actors mumble to the point of being hard to understand.  I know they are going for casual realism, but I've about had it with missing half of what they say.  Or maybe it's time for a Miracle Ear.

What was the end of the tag?  My DVR cut off when Ben (Batman) knelt to fix the modem.  Thanks…I hate Cablevision.

Cam stealing the kid's army man and then the ensuing fight in the kid's bedroom was just so moronic.  I couldn't even see the idiots on Entourage pulling that crap when they were trying to make an impression.  But Rene's Verizon lines will make me tune in next week.

Little Hantz seems dangerously close to a mental breakdown.  His sudden reversals, mea culpas, tears and most alarmingly, his reaction to being "tempted" by Mikaela suggest a fragile grasp of reality.  He invokes god often when he feels himself going to his inner demons.  Hope they keep an eye on him.

Right?  It was so distracting to me and so out of character for his perfectionism, I found I missed most of the lines.

Agree about the cliches.  The only thing that can elevate a time-worn cliche is how they do it in Mad Men: the writing.  Pan Am was deadly dull and predictable.  Get me on another airline.

Ditto about lobbing grenades at "civilians".  Kors is a hack who really should reconsider describing someone as "boring" when he wears nothing but black, nondescript, safe getups.

"Nooks and crannies…" No love?