love the episodes with Barry Katz the most
love the episodes with Barry Katz the most
I don't like him or TJ Miller
you guys should follow @jennyandteets:twitter she's probably my favorite female comedy (writer? tweeter? dunno) on twitter
there was a strong sopranos vibe this episode… with jackie being the terrible mother, the old obscure black & white movies on the TV and another detail that I can't remember right now
yes, I really regret pausing my hdtv to read his fake "wikipedia" entry that was on screen a couple of weeks back… art forgery, drugs in the 80s, blablabla
the talkative desk clerk saying she took shots with amanda doesn't mean she was alive… she was IM'ing with Nolan, she just faked that whole thing… Amanda is in a Japanese grave waiting to be reanimated for the finale…
I take that to mean that Revenge has finally gone meta with preparing for "reveals."
what's being missed here is that Questlove is the mastermind behind this whole operation
did you see her appearance on Leno? I'm not even sure what to think now. Here I thought the "brown nose Aubrey" was a persona just for the boardroom in CA. It actually turns out that she's terrible 100% of the time. I couldn't even make it through the whole thing. It was intensely uncomfortable to watch as she…
surprisingly this strategy will also help a novice learn the basics of hold'em
I like that Mad Men is just smart enough that we can figure it out and feel all the more intelligent for doing so.
I was loving the "Dayana escapes again!" vibe of the season until it affected a contestant I liked.
she's not trying to get him in bed, she's trying to get him (and us) to think she is. she even anonymized his profile… talk about mixed messages.
The slogan was pretty bad. Am I wrong in thinking that all of the slogans suggested by the "creatives" were things that have been done ad nauseum by other brands? Also, Aubrey's faux business buzzword laden brand talk made me cringe and cover my eyes. For those of us in business, nothing is more humiliating than a…
I was too but Aubrey might be the strongest reality show contestant of all time. Which is going to make her inevitable firing that much better. I hope the producers something special planned to add extra emphasis. Also, I don't think Eric was either scared of concerned by Aubrey's attention, I think he (like us)…
I watched the good wife and MM back to back with my family last night. After Kalinda's fingerbang and Peggy's HJ, it was a particularly uncomfortable night indeed. I suspect others here had the same experience.
yup, this one and "You look nice today" are some of my favorite podcasts that start with "You"