
podcasts are the new late night.  gaffigan is just making the rounds.  he was on rogan and then everyone elses over the past couple of weeks.  it's interesting to see how his episodes from various podcasts are staggered since he only came to LA for a week or two and knocked out appearances on everyones podcast.  I

you're an idiot

Lisa used to teach "How to be a Standup Comedian" classes.  That should say it all.  I would imagine that the level of artistic envy is way higher in teachers of performance art than say… tv critics or internet commenters.

there's also new episodes of "You Look Nice Today"

new episodes of You Look Nice today !!!!!

I kind of agree with sandy's point.  That's why I find the Joe Rogan & Co podcasts so refreshing.  In my early 20s, I couldn't get enough of the irony/detached nonsensical stuff like CBB/whatever.  Now all I'm looking for is honest conversation that feels real.  I have yet to encounter a phony Joe Rogan podcast.  I

can anyone recommend a good ep as a jumping off point for this podcast?  I think I'd enjoy it but don't know where to start.


am I the only person who thinks the people who stay longer on these shows are the ones that can generate the most drama?  I feel like Aubrey has a checklist… last week before they found out they won, she was being tore up - rightfully so, for being a terrible teammate and human.  When she found out they won, my

yes, her whole "It's so hard to make it as a female comic" was endearing during her interview on Marc Maron's WTF… but hearing her shout it out through tears "I'm one of the top 3 female comics in the world" is just so demeaning and I cannot understand for the life of me why she would agree to this.

let me guess, you're a bible believin' christian

the champs is one of the most fascinating and interesting podcasts around.  check out the one with questlove to start

Can we start a kickstarter to get Dan Fienberg laid and/or a trainer?  I think the critic community could vastly benefit from a happy Fienberg.

you sound like you're a very open and understanding person.  Rogan's podcast with Everlast this week that featured 2 hours of good conversation mixed with Unplugged-style Everlast playing his new/old songs on the guitar was a breakthrough from the usual hipster nonsense of podcasts.

Brian Callen's podcast is hilarious.  You won't ever read about it here though.

the whole critique is such nonsense, of course the hipsters at the AVC don't like anything that doesn't have a thick layer of ironic detachment over it, so they really don't know what to do with an open person.

not racist, she's the same race as me.  i just don't buy her as a doctor or whatever.  she is clever and can write well, but after hearing her on WTF recently, I just don't see this turning out well.

Us liberal types eat stories like the Foxconn fiasco for breakfast.  To some degree, we're masochists, constantly wanting to find things to affirm our belief that our lives are indulgent in ways that cause the rest of the world to suffer.  I don't need Mike Daisey's lies to remind me to be grateful.  He milked his

yeah, he really did come off as a fatso theater nerd.  ugh.. fat people are the worst.