The critics agree, "Dads" is the TV show nobody but the critics is talking about!
The critics agree, "Dads" is the TV show nobody but the critics is talking about!
Cabazon's about as close to L.A. as downtown Chicago is to Peoria.
cant be sure and wont miss this but isnt or couldnt be as good as cormacs books which dont use punctuation
"I'm going to the new Katherine Heigl movie." — Said by no one, ever.
More movies should have no dialogue. Like, for example, Judd Apatow's.
AV Club under investigation after D-minus show's grade gets mysteriously changed.
Just announced: Jackie Chan to star in "Sword of the Graduate."
I thought she just sat by the phone praying for a Larry Sanders sequel.
Ray Barone broke this story for Newsday.
This had never happened before, ever! This was something nobody had ever seen before! Except … oh, you know, with Bruce McNall, in the same sport.
Oh, that Megan Boone, she's got the whole range of expressions from A to B.
Channing plays a male stripper …. in Amish country! This January on CBS!!!
Last scene's pretty cool, where Carrie gets hired by Sol at the CIA.
Belushi role's pretty much come down to Benedict Cumberbatch or Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Protest-sign lines forming outside Showtime HQ: No more Dana. No more Dana. No more Dana. No more Dana.
Network execs thinking either Sean Hayes or Michael J. Fox for Marlowe.
Joan Cusack should be a voice in EVERY animated film.
NBC's also going to film the spin-off "Peoria Fire" there.
"Liz and Dick" movie: D-minus. "Burton and Taylor" movie: A-plus.
Dr. John Watson never solved a mystery in his life. Dr. Joan Watson apparently is turning INTO Sherlock Holmes.